
Tuesday, September 4, 2018


We have rain. Yes, yes we do. In fact, it's supposed to rain so they say off and on all the way up until next week Tuesday. So far, as I can see on the weather map. this shit is coming in from Mexico from the southwest and the gulf coast at our southeast and slamming into the San Antonio area and then streaming all the way through the midwest to the great lakes area and into Canada. As I said, it's slamming into us in the middle of Texas and then traveling upwards. This is great because my water barrels are nearly bone dry. Another good thing is that whenever it rains like this, I hurt like hell all over and my back feels like hell too. Once it begins to rain I'm fine as frog hair split four ways. So, yeah, there's that.
Lucy is sleeping on her pillow on the sofa. She drags that thing everywhere around the house. Then she plops it down where she thinks she's safe from foot traffic and curls up and sleeps for about ten minutes and then moves it again here and there following me around the house until I stop and sit with my leg up. That's when she asks me to help her lift it onto the sofa so she can sleep near me. Thank the Goddess I have a blanket on the sofa to protect it from all the shit she drags with her. I would have a ratty looking couch by now if I didn't protect it. 
Yesterday we went to HEB to get some ice cream and because we wanted to get out of the house. Lucy and I stayed in the car and watched all the people. She was on the lookout for David because he was getting her favorite thing in the whole world. She loves ice cream especially when I mix it with blueberries or small slices of banana. David gets the vanilla and I mix only a tablespoon of it with the fruit that she can have. Both Spunky and Lucy love their ice cream treat on hot days. They only get it once in a while and in a small portion so they don't get sick from the ice cream.
Well, I have shit to do and Lucy has to get up and follow me around because that's her job. Tomorrow is Wet Cat Wednesday.


  1. The wind is whooping here in MS right now. We will get flooded tonight. Our coastal counties are under Tropical Depression watch. Geeze, I hope we don't have any more trees go down because of this.

  2. rain? what is rain? i give up! UNCLE!!! our schools are letting the kids out at noon today because of the heat. my car registered 122 degrees yesterday sitting on my driveway. the w's can't go walking during the day because their pads would get burned. do i sound like i am complaining? i am!!!

  3. With all the rain you're getting, sounds like there will be a lot of Wet Cats TODAY too!

  4. Lucy always makes me smile! LOL! I hope everyone enjoyed their icecream! Big Hugs!
