
Saturday, September 29, 2018

Small Post

This morning I woke up to pounding on the roof. The rain was coming down hard. Lucy ran into the bedroom and woke me up. She hates the rain. She believes every time it rains there is thunder. She hates thunderstorms. 
Anywho, she jumped up onto the bed and huddled down close to my lower back and proceeded to shake. I was lying on my side and the vibration against my lower back pain felt so good that I didn't want it to stop. But being a doggy mom compelled me to grab her and comfort her. She finally stopped vibrating and fell asleep. It's now 11:30 in the morning and it's still overcast and dark. The rain stopped I'm sitting on the sofa with the lumbar heating pad and a mug of warm tea. Such a splendid day. September is now the wettest month this year for us. It's usually the dryest. I wonder what October will bring us. 


  1. Poor little dog. I wish we could explain things to our pets.

  2. this september is the 5th in high rainfall total for this area. our records go back some 150 years.

  3. We've had too many cold, rain and even snow in September too. Indian Summer, where are you????

  4. I love the sound of hard rain on our metal roof. Especially at night.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. Poor Lucy.

    It flooded Monday night. As in 3 or 4 inches in just a short time. We have a 8 foot porch and it was wet all the way to the door from the force of the rain.

    and, it wasn't suppose to rain
