
Thursday, September 27, 2018


Yesterday a cool front came through and the temperature fell last night into the 60's. It's turned out to be a beautiful morning with overcast skies and a bit of a cool breeze. I couldn't help myself but stayed outside this morning playing with the puppies. They enjoyed the cool weather too. I reluctantly came inside when I realized I had to do laundry and clean house. It just seems like a true cool autumn day in a dream but this won't last forever. The coolness will change back to hot and humid very soon. It never lasts. We will have to wait until the middle of November for the cool days to stay for a while until late spring. 

I really wanted to watch the Dr. Ford/Kavanaugh hearing today but I missed most of it this morning. I'm waiting for them to continue after the lunch break. Sen. Grassley is bent on getting Kavanaugh through this and that is a shame. Even if this happened during the time Kavanaugh was in high school it matters because this is his character that is being questioned. The FBI should have investigated this and the other two female victims.  

Yesterday, David did spoil me on my birthday as he does most days. He set up a $50 Amazon gift card because he knows I like to buy books and art supplies. That was unexpected because he usually sends me plants from a florist. I was very surprised by the gift card. I bought some new watercolor paper and paints because mine are almost all gone. I also bought a cookbook that I wanted for a long time. I still have about $22 left on the card so I'll leave it and wait for a price drop on something else I want. Also, we went out for dinner to Saltgrass. That place is my favorite steak place even though I don't eat steak that much. It was a wonderful day all in all.


  1. what fun! have you ever posted any of your watercolors here? have you ever sold any?

  2. i would love to see your watercolors too! glad you had a good b-day! we can't have a supreme court justice that lies about his past....though we already do. the bastards.

  3. Yes, you need to post your paintings. What cookbook did you get? I love cookbooks.
    I'm glad you and the puppies got to spend some time outdoors.

    Happy weekend.

  4. I would love to see your art! So happy you were spoiled! You deserve it! Big Hugs!
