
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Caution - Pain Rant

I made an emergency appointment this morning for tomorrow to see my pain specialist. I'm losing way too much sleep lately. David says I look like death warmed over. Actually, I feel like it too. The arthritis in a lower back has taken on a life of its own. I'm having difficulty sitting and standing so that leaves lying as the only comfortable thing but that too is becoming a fleeting respite from the pain. I'm just unable to get comfortable. If I sit too long my legs start to hurt. If I stand for three minutes my lower back hurts. If I lie in bed in any position my body protests. WTF!?! All I want is relief and that is what I will let the pain specialist know.
The last radiofrequency oblation on my lower back was done four years ago so I'm due for another one. And yeah they only last from two to four years. So I'm going to talk to my doctor about that.
I also have a second Echocardiogram to go through in two weeks. This time with contrast. The first one wasn't good enough. So why don't they do the contrast echo the first time? It's called insurance. Yeah, the insurance company wants the easy cheap way first or they won't pay up. Same thing with the pain blocks. My pain doctor has to give me the two to three cheap pain block injections, which do not work for me, every two months before the insurance will say okay to the radiofrequency oblation because the pain block is cheaper. Insurance companies are so fucking ignorant. Especially mine. They won't check my history and see that only the radiofrequency does the job. But what can I do? Thems the rules folks.
Sorry. All y'all really didn't want to come in here to see a rant in progress like this. Y'all have a magical day. I'm going to try laying on the floor with my heating pad and see if that helps for a bit.


  1. so sorry to hear this. chronic pain is the worst. are you getting a lot of rain? i'm sure that doesn't help either. i hope the doc can help with something!

  2. If I laid on the floor, I couldn't get up. I'm sorry about your pain. Yes, you would think that you have someone that would realize it's better for you and cheaper in the long run if they do the correct procedure 1st.

  3. You're forgiven. Hating on health insurance companies is one of my favorite things to do. Sometimes I think they consider letting people get the care they actually need a major screw-up.

  4. I sent you an email concerning a possible way to get the insurance company to get you what you need.

  5. That was from the Star trek episode where Spock had a rash of Vulcan chile farts.

  6. Somehow you keep going.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. Rant away! sometimes it helps. Insurance companies? isn't that the same as the 1920 extortion gangsters? Argh! Insurance companies should not be allowed to interfere with a doctors recommended treatment and prescribing. Double argh!
