
Friday, May 10, 2019

It's Friday

Last night around 9:45 a cold front crashed through our area with rain and lightning. Yeah, I felt that bitch taking it's sweet ass time all day long. I still had to contend with the moisture from the rain storms but it was so nice to be able to get a little rest from most of my pain. When the thunder started, Lucy came running from the bedroom looking for me. Mommy has to save her from the thunder monsters. She hid under her blanket next to me on the sofa and fell asleep after it was all over. I didn't want to disturb her and tried to leave her sleeping and went back to bed around midnight but she felt me get up and she was right behind me, her blanket in tow with a corner of it tightly clenched in her mouth. She slept next to David and I covered her with her blanket. She slept up until 9:30 this morning when I got up. She's such a diva. 
Anywho, it's cold today. This morning I woke up and it was 52 degrees outside. The weather guys say the temps won't be moving out of the 60s all day long. That's nice. It will be a cool day and I won't have to run the A/C. The windows and doors are open right now to let the cool breezes through the house. Poor Lucy, she's bundled herself into her pink camo blanket and fighting me for the heating pad against my back. Spunky has rolled himself into a tight ball under his green camo blanket on David's recliner. I'll have to close the doors soon I guess or I'll end up with iced pupsicles. 
Today I have my appointment with my pain doctor. I really don't see him though. I see his Nurse Practitioner. She's good too. She finds out if you need better pain meds or if you need medical care in the way of injections by the doctor. I'm going to let her know that I might need to talk with him about the radiofrequency ablation. I've been with this pain for almost 20 years and I know when my legs hurt like they want to pop off my body then it's time for something like that.
Well, David will be home for lunch soon and I have to get my ass ready for my appointment. So all y'all have a magical day.


  1. that storm was a doozy. started up here about 7ish PM with the thunder and rain and went on all night and into the morning. the dog trembled and panted all night long with small bits of sleep between waves. everytime I thought it was over another wave of thunder and lightning and rain would pass through. this morning was chilly but still rumbles and light rain which finally stopped sometime around 9 AM. the dog has been asleep all day.

  2. I walked outside Friday morning and OMG! it was chilly. Checked the temperature - 65 degrees. In May. In the middle of May. In the Texas gulf coast. Is the next ice age coming soon?? PS - I'm tired of the rain now.

  3. Y'all sent that weather right over to us. It has rained and stormed since Friday. Today looks like it might be dry.
