
Thursday, May 30, 2019

It's Thursday

I have great news and bad news this morning. First the bad news. There is a fucking cool front sitting right above Seguin and will not move. I was hoping that the front would come through the area last night but it took its time moving. I spent most of last night watching lightning light up the sky and comforting Lucy. I'm not sure but I think I finally went to bed at 3am this morning only to find that the cool front did move only to sit on top of us. The weatherman says the front will eventually move south later this afternoon. So I'm sitting with the heating pad and in so fucking much pain that the Hydrocodone isn't even helping, trying to write this as fast as possible. It's raining too.
The great news is I had my cardiologist appointment yesterday. My doctor sat with me for more than 20 minutes explaining all the tests that I went through and the results. Test after test was proving negative. The one test that I was shitting bricks about was the last one that I went to the hospital to get done. Yeah, the Calcium Score. That gives the doctor the percentage amount of calcium in your arteries that builds up over time and can attribute to the cause of arterial blockages in the future. My score was 6.6. Anything less than 10% is insignificant of coronary artery disease and the pictures of my lungs were clear as a bell. So . . . I am at a very low vascular risk. She noted that not very many women at my age and weight are like this. Also, she said the extra beats are most likely not of any consequence. She noted in my file that the PVCs were most likely caused by two drugs that the doctor that I was seeing for my MCTD had issued me. I stopped taking them after the first incident of PVCs and haven't had that many PVCs since. She also said that everyone has PVCs and doesn't know it or even feel them. She said many people go through life with them and never feels it. She said not to worry. She said that if the flutterings bother me too much she will either try drugs or just go in and zap the area on my heart that is having the flutterings and that would be that. She was about as happy as I was at my overall outcome. She said to keep doing the weight loss and heart smart stuff that I have been doing. She also wrote me a referral so I could get into the hospital gym and pool. You can already get into the gym but they don't like to let people in that have medical conditions like my back and would prefer you go to the Physical Therapy side of the building. So, I have a referral that says I don't need a trainer or a baby sitter as long as I just go for the bike and pool. Then she officially released me from her care. So I'm heart healthy and happy. 
So that's all I have for all y'all today. I'm going to set the heating pad on the bed and do a few exercises in hopes that the heat, as well as the movement, will help stop some of my pain. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. We are suppose to get showers today.

    That's great news about your heart! Good deal!!!

  2. What wonderful news that you passed all your tests will such good scores. You are obviously on the right track.

    Yours strength and determination (or is it stubbornness?) put us mere mortals to shame!


    1. Stubbornness? Moi? Are you kidding? Just for that remark I shall let you live today, mortal. hahahaa. Thanks for the well wishes, Jaime.

  3. So pleased to hear about your good cardio news. Congratulations! And I hope you feel better soon too.

  4. well, good news. I have yet to have my appointment with the electrophysiologist but I think he will probably recommend ablation.

    1. I hope the ablation works for you. Let me know on your blog. I'd like to know how it goes.

  5. YAYZ for good heart! (does a happy dance)

    1. Wish I could dance then there would be some kicking up of my heels too.

  6. Great news on the ticker situation!
    Seguin?! I have cousins there.

    1. Well, it is a small world. Thanks for the well wishes, hon.

  7. Heart Healthy and Happy is a good Space to hold!

  8. Thanks, darlin! I am so glad to be in that space too.

  9. Brightest blessings on your great heart! Such wonderful news! Yes, the storms just managed to pass near but not TOO near our house! A few of my own heart=pounding moments when the tornado sirens went off … but all's well that ends well!

    Cheers! Jan

    1. Take care, Jan. This may be the beginning of bad years to come because of climate changes. We may all have to move to the mountains soon. ahahahaaa.

  10. Cool front???? Really - we didn't get any cool front. We did get rain, thank all the gods. But it's still hot, humid, and hot. Glad all your heart tests came out so well!
