
Friday, May 31, 2019

Lucy and the Thunder Boomers

Lucy the yawning Boston
Last night Lucy woke me out of a dead sleep because, well, a thunderstorm again. As I have said before that little girl hates thunderstorms. No matter how far away or how slightly muffled the sound, she still hates them. So she woke me up and I listened over her loud panting. Nearly nothing in the way of thunder boomers. She woke me up for that? So I took her outside so she could do whatever. Still muffled thunder. I was looking and the lightning was far off to the west of us so San Antonio was most likely getting hammered. I came back inside with the scaredy cat and turned on my laptop to see the radar. Sure enough, they were getting the shit hammered out of them. So I decided to stay awake because Lucy would surely wake David up and I didn't want that.
Lucy the seal
I made a cup of tea and settled in on the sofa and the princess was already there waiting for me. I watched a bit of a movie, drank my tea and the princess brat was sleeping next to me. So I got up, turned off the TV and lamp and went to go back to the bedroom and Lucy starts her panting again. By this time there was no more storm to warrant staying up any longer. I just looked at her and said it wasn't going to work anymore, the storm has long passed us up, child. But she insisted through her panting that she was still scared. So, I left her in the hallway outside the bedroom door and told her when she calms down I would let her in. Talk about a fast calm. I think she was back to normal in a split second after she realized her mommy wasn't going to play that game anymore. So, I'm going to start forcing her out of the bedroom when she gets this way again. Losing a little sleep over pain is one thing but losing sleep because of a pain is another. 


  1. awww...poor lucy! my first chow, freddy, was scared of storms. the w's don't even notice them.

    1. It's kind of strange that some puppies notice fireworks and thunder and some don't.

  2. She's a pretty little girl. Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend.

  3. we got 2" yesterday but fortunately it was in the evening so I didn't get woken up but I did have a trembling panting dog in my face for the duration of the rain.

  4. Fur Babies can be as demanding as Children! Our Old Cat used to be an exclusively Outdoor Working Cat when we had Acreage. Fast forward to moving to a subdivision where she became semi-retired from having to Work and due to Predatory Animals this close to the Natural Desert, she began coming Inside in the Evenings. Now she's in and out like a Fiddler's Elbow and cannot seem to make up her Mind some days!

  5. Poor little Lucy puppy! You have my sympathy - I had one like that. He would pant, shake, and shiver at thunder, fireworks, any BOOM in the distance.

  6. Poor baby girl! Poor Mommy with little sleep!

    Get a Lucy-sized t-shirt that fits quite snugly and put it on her when you hear the first signs of a thunder storm. (Old Navy is a good source for cheap infant t-shirts.) The swaddling affect seems to calm many dogs. You can purchase a special thunder shirt but they are very expensive and a snug t-shirt will usually do the same job.

    1. I've heard about the thunder shirts. I'm desperately thinking of buying something like that or I'll just cruise the baby aisles and buy one of the t-shirts and cut the neckline to fit her neck.
