
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Airbag Problems

I received a recall notice in the mail yesterday. It's regarding the airbags for the driver and passenger sides in my car. Something to do with the heat and humidity and that the mechanism will deteriorate and if I get into an accident, the thingy that inflates the airbag could break into pieces and it would cause injury and/or death. So, I called the nearest dealership which was where I bought my car and I made an appointment to take it in to get this done. The gentleman that took my call answered all my questions and It looks like I'll be busy waiting around for 2 to 3 hours at their lounge. They don't take people as far as Seguin home or to work. So, yeah, I'm stuck there. David can't get off that day because Mondays are big meeting days for him at the office. So, I plan on wearing one of his old long sleeve white shirts over my t-shirt so I'm not exposed to the hot sun going or coming back. I have driving gloves that I used to wear in the winter that are really nice and my face will be in the shade. The area for the cars is shaded and I'm bringing my heating pad with me because I'll be doing a lot of walking and sitting so there is no problemo there. David is upset with me for not making the appointment for next Friday so he could do this. Honey, first come first serve and you gotta grab what ya can. 
SOoooo, I won't be posting early in the morning on Monday because it's a hell of a drive. I'll post later. Maybe on Tuesday. Because I brought up the subject of my car, here are some car memes.


  1. the car memes are all funny! good luck on monday!

  2. I don't envy you that. No friend you can call up for a ride home and then back?

  3. The new Batmobile, LOL! The Toyota giving birth, LOLOL!

    Take a good book to read too. Or perhaps they have wifi available? That'd be nice.

  4. These made me laugh, really cute. I wonder if that's bad economy or bat economy! :D

  5. Ugh - cars are way more trouble than they are worth. I'm sure there's a better mode of transportation tho I'm not sure what it is (absolutely not horses).

  6. I hate recalls......

    hahaha, those are funny.
