
Friday, July 12, 2019

Feeling Better and Other Shit

I'm feeling better today. A little stiff from arthritis in my lower back and right hand but I have the heating pads for them. I was thinking back on how this flare was triggered and I remembered something like about 30 minutes before I felt bad I was outside in the courtyard cleaning dead leaves and stuff out of there and the sun came out from behind the clouds. I got full on hot sun hitting me and I didn't stop what I was doing to go inside. I'm stubborn like that. I like to finish a job until it's complete. I remember coming into the house and almost immediately I sat down with muscle cramps and I felt really ill. I asked David for cold water on a towel and a glass of ice water from the fridge. Neither one helped. I knew what I had done. It was stupid but I wanted the courtyard to be cleaned up and looking nice. I took a cool shower and took my heating pads with me to bed. I was so much in pain I just couldn't believe it. I really hate Lupus. I really do. It's a nasty autoimmune disease that kills you slowly if you don't know how to fight it. I obviously have to do better for myself.
Early this morning David sent me a Shutterfly link that Anna (his sweet daughter) sent him. It was of the pictures of when they were in Milan during their wedding honeymoon last fall. Actually, the pictures were taken at Lago di Braies. Beautiful pictures too. They hired a pro because not one of the pictures is a dud. But then they are a beautiful couple too.
It's going to be a manic Monday and Tuesday next week online for me. If you are a Prime member like I am on Amazon then you already know Prime day has been extended to Tuesday. I have several things I'm looking at and have saved on the Camel site to watch for a better deal for me. If you don't know about Camel then you should. They will give you the price history of a product that you want to buy from any site. Also, they will alert you via email if the price on that item drops. The site is free but they do take donations for their hard work. I donate $5 every month because they do a great job. Just type in the URL of the site with that product you want to investigate and they give you a price report or you can type in the product name and they will give you the price history of that product and where to find it at a cheaper price even if it is a Prime product. I love that place. I bought several items using Camel to find a better price. 
Well, I have laundry and a house to clean. Nothing was done while I was sick so I'll be spending the day cleaning and washing. Ugh!!
Y'all have a magical day.


  1. housework is way down on my list. I figure a dusty dirty germ ridden house strengthens my immune system. but yeah, working in the sun in Texas in the summer? not too bright. of course I'm out there trying to get at least one chore done a day but I do try and stay in the sun. I was cutting back the purple coneflowers today but had to stop because the rest of them are in sun now. will have to wait til the shade moves over there. but I'm like you. I like to work on something til it's finished and in the past I would work for 8 hours without stopping for rest or food. I don't do that now. learned my lesson the hard way.

  2. You work too hard. Take it easy sometimes.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Glad to hear you're feeling more perky now!

  4. Sigh - I had a clean house before the demon kitties arrived - sigh. Please remember the courtyard, patio, back yard, the outside - will be there the next and next and next day. The sun is really hot between now and the end of October. Take care!
