
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Not a Good Week

David is catching on to when I'm going to have a flare and what to do to make it better. I keep telling him I'm fine but he knows I'm not. So lately he has been taking care of the cooking, feeding the puppies and doing a load of laundry for me. Yeah, y'all might as well know I'm not doing good. I had a really bad flare Friday last week and it's been going downhill since then. Heating pads, sleep aids, Tylenol, Aspercreme, baby oil for my dry skin patches, and resting on the sofa or in bed all day is what I've been doing. Everything hurts and it won't stop and the one thing I hate is that I have zero energy. So the only thing I can do is let this take its course. I have been keeping up with blogs as fast as they come out and I picked up a couple of new ones too. Keeping busy does help a little. But I can only do so much. So If I didn't get to your blog please know I will get to it as soon as I have the energy.
Lucy has been a great nurse. She keeps close to me constantly. If I move she moves, she's like my shadow. She always looks at me with a worried look on her face. I somehow think she is hoping I don't die anytime soon because daddy is not good at taking care them unless mommy steps in and reminds him to feed or let them out every two hours. Yeah, David is a terrible daddy but not all the time.
Well, I'm going to go lie down with my heating pads. I took my Tylenol and was waiting for it to hit me. So, all ya'll have a magical day.


  1. I am so sorry to hear you are not doing well - I hope you improve quickly and have your energy back! Wishing you all the best, Kate.

  2. Must be all this bad weather moving around in the gulf making you feel bad. I'm sorry, pain suks.

    Hope you get better soon.

  3. I hope this flare cycle is over soon and that your energy comes back!

  4. so sorry to hear this. I know what you mean about Lucy. Minnie sticks to me like glue when I don't feel well, won't go outside. of course she pretty much is where I am anyway. hope this flare up ends soon!

  5. I do hope you get relief from this flare cycle soon! Healing energies being sent your way!

  6. I'm so sorry you are having so much pain. I know what it is like to be in pain and be miserable. I'm glad you have someone to help you.

    ps...hugs to Lucy.

  7. I hope you feel better soon. Many positive thoughts coming from here to there.

  8. I am so sorry!!! Sending big healing hugs!
