
Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday is Here

I just got back from my family doctor appointment. So far so good. My labs were perfect as usual so that made me happy and he will be trying to get me a new rheumatologist that is closer to home and I won't have to drive 35 miles like I did with my other one. I'll have to see him again the week before thanksgiving. So I'm good to go. 
I have my second appointment this afternoon with my pain doctor but it will be with his nurse practitioner. I like her because she listens to me when I say I'm having trouble moving, sitting, sleeping because of the pain in my back. Today we will be talking about setting me up for the radiofrequency ablation of the facet joints in the S1, L5, L4 and L3 area of my lower back but before we can set all the great stuff up, she will have to get me an appointment for an MRI. We have to see how far the arthritis has gotten in my spine so the doctor can see what needs the ablation. I'm really hoping we can move this along because I really don't like taking opioids for my pain and my pain has gotten to the point where it's almost unmanageable. So that is my day for today.
David will be home for lunch in about 15 minutes and I have to gather my lab reports from my family doctor to show my pain doctor or Nurse Practitioner. So I'm going to get some lunch and then go. 
Y'all have a magical day and weekend.


  1. I like the second illustration; on the weekends, that's where I'mma at!

  2. hoping for the best possible outcome.

  3. Hope you get the proper pain management. I have arthritis but it is the garden variety ostio version and is manageable with heat and cold packs except for rainy days.

  4. I hope your appointment went well for the pain management! Good luck!!

  5. Having plans sounds a lot like my summer maintenance list that still isn't done.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. I had a dr. appt. yesterday and my labs suked. Doc change my meds and I'm pissed my blood work is always so bad.

  7. Really hoping everything goes well! Big Hugs!
