
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Who Ever You Are, You Are a God and Other Shit

My body is still not on the happy side of life yet but I couldn't pass this up. You see, once in a while, the dingle ball that we have as puppet president, well something happens to him that just makes you smile that shit-eating grin when you see it. The "it" I'm referring to is what was projected on the screen in the back of the gnat brained president as he was clapping and walking the stage at the right-wing Hitler Youth Group Turning Point USA. Yeah, that's right. That gave the president a chance to talk about many things without bothering to worry about what he was saying because, "Hey, we're all boys here." 
Well the Presidential Seal was not as presidential as it was supposed to be It featured the double-headed bird-like seal for Russia and the birds talons held golf clubs in one and cash in the other and instead of "E Pluribus Unum" it said "45 es un titere" which is Spanish for 45 is a puppet.
It makes me wonder who the famous person is that did it in Animal House fashion. Cudos to him. He is a God whoever he is. Anyways, if you haven't read the story you can read it here. There is also a site that sells the same fake president seal right here.

David has been very attentive since I sent him some reading material from the Mayo Clinic site that I found for him. It's all about Lupus and MCTD. He said he didn't know how bad it really was. His original thinking was so it's like the flu, big deal, so get over it. But it is a bigger deal and I raise you two articles, so there. 
He also found out that you don't necessarily have to get the butterfly rash on your face to indicate that you have Lupus. Not all flares are alike and you don't have all the symptoms all the time. I found out that when I get the hives on my arms and chest, I know that I'm beginning a Lupus flare episode. It's automatic for me.
I have a small drawer full of my flare relievers like two heating pads, Tylenol, sleeping pills, and my antihistamine to fight the hives which last for 24 hours. After the hives start, within about an hour I start slowing down. It's so automatic now. I start hurting in every single joint in my body, but it's mostly my upper back and shoulder area, I have my heating pad for that along with Tylenol. Then I'm really slowing down with the aches and lethargic feeling like the flu. I have no appetite at all and I go for days without eating. Brain fog is also a big deal. I have to remember when I last took medications or to turn something off. I have to write notes from my sticky pads and stick them on things to remind me and also to keep things written down in a small notebook that I carry with me. I sware it's like Alzheimer's when I get a flare. I just want to sleep most of the time because sleeping is the only relief from all this shit and it's my way of escaping. Moving around like walking is painful so sitting with soft pillows and heating pads, and taking Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours and not moving is blissful for me. That is what a flare is like for me. Now, flares can last from two days on up to two weeks or months. It all matters on how you manage the flares symptoms and if you catch it early enough you can almost cut the downtime in half. I'm almost done with this flare. It lasted almost a whole weeks time so I'm doing pretty good. I've got the pain down to just a pebble-sized ache and my apitite is back to almost normal so I'm good to go. I figured the cold shower that I took for relief from the hot day a week ago was a shock to my system and it triggered the flare. I'm still in the learning phase so I'm learning to watch out for anything that could be a potential shock to my system which triggers a flare. So that is what having a  Lupus flare is like for me. You live and learn.


  1. I imagine walking into an over air conditioned building from the hot outside would be a shock too. so sorry you have to deal with this as I thank my lucky stars.

  2. "the gnat brained (p)resident" - gnats have bigger brains than the dump does! that's an insult to gnats! :)

  3. I didn't realize how bad Lupus is either. It's horrible. I'm sorry you have to deal with it.

  4. Let me guess your not a Trump fan.
    Coffee is on

  5. I hope you caught this in time to keep it from hanging around too long. If you need some weed, my next door neighbor has imaginary intruders in her house on a regular basis and the last time they were there thy were all smoking pot.Maybe I can score some from them if I can find a way to see them. I have no idea if she is schizophrenic or has a true dissociative disorder, or some pharm issue, but just about every day she summons the police to rid her house of invisible people.

  6. Yes, I saw that Presidential Seal story on the news tonight! LOL! Kudos to whoever trolled Trump, intentionally or not.

  7. You're dealing with a lot Leanna. Good for you for informing everyone on Lupus and flare ups. I think your drawer of pain-killing armour is awesome. Take care, and I hope things ease up for you very soon! xx

  8. That fake Presidential Seal is hilarious, so fitting! I'm so sorry you're dealing with so much healthwise.

  9. I wonder if any of the "thousands of young, cheering supporters at the Turning Point USA conference" even know what the prez seal is, much less what it should look like vs what was pictured. I hope the ablation is successful and helps you. Positive thoughts coming from here to there.

  10. That Presidential Seal Story is so funny!!
    Please take care of yourself! You go through so much!!! Big Hugs!
