
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

GAWD it's Hot!

Last night the pulled pork bbq and the slaw on the side really hit the spot for us. I wasn't in the kitchen all day and it was a nice cool dinner for a hot day. Speaking of hot days, we have been in the 100's and will be for the next few days. The temperatures are a killer usually at the end of July and in August. Now we are in the hottest days of our year so I will be serving sammys (sandwiches) and salads until the weather gets back into the 80's which will be a long time from now.
I overdid my laundry yesterday by doing three loads instead of one or just two. Yeah, I screwed myself blind again. Why can't I stop overdoing housework? I find that if I feel good I want to get everything done in one day and then I pay for my stupidity the next. Anyway, my pain level is around 8 to 9 depending on what I have to do and I'm back to walking with my stupid cane again because my legs feel like they want to pop off my body. In fact, everything feels like it wants to pop off my body. So today I will be taking it easy until I do it all again and fuck everything up again.
Lucy has been coming to my rescue too. Last night I was having trouble with my back pain and I guess she noticed and she did something for me that only a caring animal would ever do. I was on my side because it hurt too much to lay on my back so she got up and laid down right in back of me and pushed her little body against my spine. It felt so good to have pressure against my pain and I guess I fell asleep. She wasn't there in the morning because she was with David as he was getting ready for work. She did come back to bed to check on me because I heard her jump back into bed. She came back up and laid next to me and I covered her with her blanket. She's a good little nurse. We slept up until 9 this morning.
This morning I have a couple of errands to run so all y'all have a magical day.


  1. Awwww, Lucy -- what a sweet little love bug she is!

  2. It is nice to have your very own personal hot pad. Shelby is never allowed in our bed but she is a gigantic mutt who sleeps sideways and we would never have room to sleep.
    Hope the pain abates and you feel like moving (living) more.

  3. When I was a boy, we walked through nine feet of snow up hill both ways to school during a heatwave and the snow was at boiling point!

  4. What a sweet girl. I like to get things all done too. But, I'm finally realizing.......I cannot do it all sometimes.

    It suks, but it's a fact.

  5. they know somehow. whenever I'm not feeling well my little dog never leaves my side not even to go outside with Marc unless her bladder is about to bust and then she wants back in right away.

  6. It's hot here also and I am officially tired of summer now. Feels like being wrapped up in a wet, electric set on high blanket outside. Ick. No more overdoing. Everything will wait on you for the next and next and next day. Good girl, Lucy!

  7. Sorry about your back pain and I am counting my lucky stars it was only in 90's twice in July. But the month hasn't ended.
    Coffee is on

  8. Oh dear, you really do understand me, don't you? We both seem to be cut from the same cloth. I'm so glad little Lucy looks after you, it's somehow more precious from a loved pet. If only they knew how much we appreciate it, but maybe they do <3 xxx

  9. Good girl Nurse Lucy!!! Stop over doing it girl!!! Take care of yourself! Especially in this heat! Big Hugs!
