
Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday This and That

Today is just a crazy bullshit Monday for me. I'm doing three loads of laundry today. Right now I'm on the second load. I went out early to water the plants in the courtyard and the other parts of the yard are on timers so I don't bother with that. It all gets watered before 9am in the morning. I have been thinking of moving the lemon trees out onto the lawn near the pecan trees but the pecans block so much sun. I'm just going to leave well enough alone for now but I will have to get David to buy three large 20-gallon tubs so I can transfer them before the year is out. They will live in the 20's until I get tired of them and give them away like I did with most of my trees and shrubs. I only keep what I can take care of and I'm very limited when it comes to strength so there's that too. My courtyard used to be so lush and colorful with container plants and flowers. *heavy sigh* 
I'm making bbq pulled pork sammys and a slaw salad for dinner tonight. The pork is in the slow cooker right now and before long it will be stinking the house up real nice by this afternoon. I haven't made bbq pulled pork in a long time and I felt it was about time I got back to it. David is happy about it. He loves anything when there is BBQ sauce involved except when we go to Luling to get brisket from the Luling City Market then you should never put bbq sauce on that because, well, it's just plain sacrilegious to put bbq sauce on sliced smoked brisket. That's all there is to it. It should be against the law, really.
Last Friday, if you remember, I went to see my pain nurse practitioner. We decided on not getting anything done for now. I seem to be doing okay and I'm not in the "pain category" that we thought I might be. So, we will see when I go back in November to either see her or the doctor. If my pain heightens then I can make an emergency appointment at any time and they will see me. Other than that I'm doing quite well right now even though I have constant pain, it's no big thang.
Saturday, the kids(Anna and her husband, John) came to visit. They only stayed an hour before heading home. They really spent most of the day at her grandmother's place before coming to see us. We had a nice time. I do miss seeing them a lot though. 
Well, most of what I've been chatting about is all garbage and nothing to really write home about. I have a load of laundry to fold and another to start so all y'all have a magical day.


  1. "it's just plain sacrilegious to put bbq sauce on sliced smoked brisket." - tru fax dat!

  2. I borrowed that last one: thanks
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. If I lived closer I would seriously be hoping for a dinner invitation right about now! Lol
    The goofy looking washing machine really got me, hahaha!
    I hope you have better days ahead.

  4. What do I have to do to get an invite to dinner tonight?

  5. We had pulled bbq deer sandwiches last night with can pork and beans. Slaw would have been good, but I didn't have any cabbage.

    Glad you are feeling better. Was out of pocket yesterday. Had a dr. appt.

  6. I think that too - had a lush and colorful yard. Everything is suffering with the heat of late summer. Hope the pain stays manageable with no emergency trips anywhere needed.

  7. glad to hear things aren't as dire as they could be. the pulled pork sounds yummy.

  8. if you put salt and pepper on a brisket and cook it for at least 12 won't need any all..

  9. Your dinner sounds so yummy! I hope the laundry wasn't that bad! Big Hugs!
