
Monday, August 12, 2019

It's Monday

Friday, I made my cinnamon buns for the first time in a long, long time. Last time I made them was before I started work in New Braunfels at the hospital. I think it was in April 2003. That is a loooong time ago in a place far, far . . . never mind. Anywho, David said they tasted great. In fact almost as good if not better than Cinnabon. There were no leftovers because David took the last twelve of them to work. So, due to popular demand, the office has asked me to make a batch for them for tomorrow morning. I plan on making them today and placing them in aluminum tin baking sheets that David bought for me, then cover the rolls in plastic wrap and refrigerate them. Tomorrow morning I'll take the sheets out, let them come to room temp and rise before I bake them. Then I'll frost them when they cool and take them to David's office for their morning break. One thing I keep forgetting to do is to take pictures of what I make, so, I'll try to do that for all of you later today and then post the recipe and pictures when I get the chance, maybe Thursday.
David's electric razor quit and he had to go to Wally World and buy a new one. Well, it didn't happen like that, exactly. David shaves every other day. He grows a really slow beard. Sunday night he shaves and last night he was in the middle of shaving and the shaver died. He couldn't get it to charge either. He remembered that the kids got him a new shaver for Christmas but that was something like 3 or 4 years ago. He got it out of the box and set it up to recharge it but the recharge light wouldn't flash on. So he decided to let it sit and recharge for a while. But there was nothing happening, the battery pack was completely dead. It was about 6pm and still hot as hell outside. He said he would go to the store in the morning when it was a little cooler. 
He got up early this morning and went out and bought a new razor and everything was hunky-dory again. I woke up and unplugged the new razor when it was fully charged and put it away. Then I fished the dead razor that was given as a Christmas present out of the trash along with the cord and charger station. I then called David and told him what I did and asked him to find out if the company that made the razor sold replacement batteries. They recommended that you send in the razor so that their technicians can replace the battery and not do it yourself. I said that's a pile of horse shit If I ever saw one and gave him the razor's serial number so he could find out the battery that is needed and he could order one. One way or another I was not going to let a perfectly good razor go to shit. So he said he would go to the battery site he knows about and look for it on his break time. So, we will see how that develops. 
Today is laundry day. I have only two loads today. I already completed the first one and it's been dried and folded. Now I just have David's jeans to finish drying and that's it until Friday. I have dusting and vacuuming to do and then I have to start on the dough for the cinnamon buns. Not much else to do after that but make dinner and that will be meatloaf with baked potatoes and carrots. Everything in the oven while I stay in the cool living room with my iced tea and a book. 
Y'all have a magical day.


  1. Me likes that Fairy!

    The cinnamon rolls sound delicious.

    You are like me. I hate throwing things that ought to work away.

    Take care,

  2. I would love to see your cinnamon buns! and taste them too!

  3. Can't wait for the recipe and picture.
    Also thank you for the laugh!

  4. I think about cooking now and then. I haven't been the cook for about ten years, maybe a little longer. long story involving who does the dishes (me), who does the laundry (him about once every two weeks). didn't think it was a fair distribution of chores so I just quit cooking. no announcement or anything, I would just get busy when it was time to fix dinner. so he does dinner and the grocery shopping. I'll contribute a pie now and then.

  5. I have been making cheesecakes..takes less than 10 the graham cracker crust..1 brick of cream cheese 1/3 cup of sugar blend well...add 1 8 oz. tub of whipped toppping..blend well..put in pie crust..stick in fridge..about 30 minutes and then open up a can of what ever pie filling you like..I do cherry and blueberry a lot..but got to experimenting and did apple pie mix and caramel ice cream topping and then pink Himalayan salt sprinkled on good..
    I feel like laundry breeds..I'll put a basket full of laundry on the bedroom floor to remind me to do it..9 days later it's over flowing and pilled in the floor all around that basket..sigh*
