
Tuesday, August 13, 2019


I'm about to take the cinnamon buns over to David's office mates for their break time. There are about 12 of them in his crew including his boss and I made about 16 at 1 1/4 inch wide when I cut the dough. So these suckers are huge. They are going to love them. I will post the recipe and pictures on Thursday as promised. 
Y'all have a magical day.


  1. You are a seriously nice person. I am not sure I would ever have baked goods ready early in the morning.

  2. Darn, I don't have enough time to trick you into sending them to Canada. :(

  3. Hmmmmm - do ya think I'm too far for cinnamon roll delivery? You are a good woman!

  4. I'm making a lasagna for Lillie at VFW..a cherry cheesecake for the new Commander and his wife at VFW..and 2 loves of bread for the senior center.I"m tired already.
