
Friday, October 18, 2019


Some great news, well, at least so far. I talked to the Nurse Practioner for my pain specialist and she agreed to get me a TENS unit for my back. I'll have to wait at least a couple of weeks before I can get it because the insurance has to approve it and then the company that will rent it to me through the insurance will call and set up an appointment for me to get it. Then they will show me how to set the electrodes. I once had a TENS unit for my shoulder and it kept me off the opiates. After two years I didn't need the unit anymore because my shoulder healed itself. Anyways, I'm hyped at the thought of having something that will cut the opiate intake down to nill. So there is a bit of light near the end of this tunnel.


  1. They are amazing devices. I have 2 units and one clips on a belt so I can move around with a hot or cold pack. Hope you find some much needed relief.

  2. Great news indeed! Wishing you much pain relief from it!

  3. Oh that's great news!! Let's keep our fingers crossed (toes too!) :)

  4. I really hope this helps you. Chronic pain is a nightmare.

  5. I had no idea what a TENS unit is/was. Hope it gives relief. Seems to be a pain in the xxx just to get it.

  6. Great news indeed! Hope it all comes together quickly.

  7. I have no idea what that is but...yay!

  8. I sure do hope it works for you my friend..

  9. Good deal. Hoping it's going to help you out a lot.
