
Saturday, October 19, 2019

What is a TENS Unit

A TENS unit is short for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator. You can find out all the information on what it is and how it's used here. The unit when used properly will deliver electrical impulses that trigger the body to produce its own endorphins and the pain will be sufficiently blocked. This little miracle unit will in many cases cut the use of pain medication. The unit when turned on will deliver a small electrical mind-numbing shock impulse that runs from the TENS unit through the leads (the long wires) to the gel pads that are attached firmly to the skin of the victim. When the unit is on and tuned properly, it delivers what feels like someone tapping lightly on your skin. If the pulses are causing exquisite pain then you should turn the unit down until the pain is gone. The unit itself can be as large as a stereo unit which is used in Physical Therapy
or as small as a pack of cards.
It all depends on how you will be using it. The basic model which will be similar to the one I will be getting with the carrying case above comes with one to two rechargeable batteries that last up to about 24 to 36 hours and it has two electrode lead cords that run about 3 to 4 feet long. Oh, and the charger unit too. The company will be supplying the gell pads for me that is good for about three to four applications. You can gently wash the gell surfaces with your fingers to get them to become sticky again. You can shower with them on, just don't have the lead wires attached to the unit when you do. The large units, which you will usually find in a physical therapy facility will run about $600 to $1800 depending on what the facility needs. A smaller personal TENS unit will cost anywhere from $30 to $200 depending on if the insurance can supply one for me. If they say no then I will have to buy the unit at my local drug store plus the battery and charger and gel pads. That will run me about $100 to $150 but I can rent one through my insurance and they will pay only rental and gel pad fees at no cost to me.
I used a TENS unit when they first came out back in the 1980s. I screwed up my shoulder and tore the muscles and in order to cut my usage of opiates for my pain after surgery, I opted for the TENS unit. Back then it cost the insurance company a little close to $1200 to buy it for me. I wore mine for two years and it worked really well for me. TENS units were not available at drug stores like they are now. TENS units back then were mainly used by bodybuilders to build up their muscles in their calves, thighs, and back. They would exercise with the electrodes going to the muscles they wanted to grow with the power flowing until the muscles would twitch. I'm guessing someone found out that the unit could work to alleviate pain in muscles and joints at a lower frequency and that was how the unit was later used in physical therapy. 
So that is a small rundown of what a TENS unit is and how it works. Remember if you want to check out more about them, check out here. If you want to buy one do your homework first to find the best one out there for what you need it for. Drug stores and Amazon are not the only places where you can buy a good TENS unit. They are available online for instance at  LGMedSupply, and TENSpros. These three places online are the best suppliers at affordable prices available with great customer service too. I highly recommend all three of them with five stars each. No, I am not being paid or getting free stuff to say any of this shit.
So that's the low down. All y'all have a magical weekend and I'll see y'all on Monday afternoon.


  1. my spouse has one for his back; greatest invention since sliced bread!

  2. Ideally, a TENS unit should go to ELEVEN.

  3. Because of this post, I just ordered a TENS unit for hip and back pain. Any relief is welcomed. Thanks for sharing this info. Kitty

  4. It's a bit like the belt I use for tightening my stomach and abs!
    I hope you get some relief from it

  5. I have been using a TENS unit for several years for recurring back problems. I think it has been a lifesaver. I used to go to chiropractors which helped, but then a physical therapist told me about the units. Purchased one on-line for under $40 and love it. I hope you have good luck with it as well.

  6. I had one when I had my 2nd back surgery.didn't do a thing for me..used it for a couple of months..still nothing.glad it works for you

  7. We have one....not sure which one it is. The hubby uses it. I've had the tens at PT for my back.

  8. This is very interesting! I'm glad you're getting one! Big Hugs!

  9. I am really want to buy Tens Units, thanks for posting this article Zarifa USA
