
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Out With the Old

Today is the last day of 2019 and good riddance to it. I tried to sleep late this morning because Lucy will keep me awake most of the time tonight with all the fireworks going off. She hates that sort of thing. Anywho, I started cleaning and washing clothes and doing a few things here and there. The house is clean and tidy now and the last load is going in the washer. I don't have any cooking to do because there is only myself and David and he's easy to please. 
So I'm going to leave you all with this.


  1. I have a load or 2 of laundry; it can wait til tomorrow!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful 2020 and that the year will be one of your best ever!

  3. I'm with Lucy! I hate the sound of fireworks. I'm hoping there won't be any this year.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year Leanna!!! xxx Oh last night some idiots had fireworks going off until 1:30am, poor Marlene flipped out...otherwise it was a nice quiet evening at home!!!

  5. Poor little girl. Fireworks don't blow my skirt up.

    Happy New Year!
