
Thursday, January 2, 2020

Not Such a Good Day

I wasn't able to do anything yesterday. No New Year's Day dinner no nothing. Sometime around 11 am when I finished talking to my brother on the phone I had a massive flare and I just couldn't move. My body locked up in pain and I felt so freaking tired that I just laid on the sofa with Lucy for a couple of hours. I had to have David help me back to bed because it was so hard to walk. I took my pain meds and had some hot tea and just went to sleep. I didn't wake up until David came to bed at 9:30. The movement of the water bed made me hurt and it woke me out of a strange dream. I took a shower hoping to stop the pain but it just made me worse. So I took the pain meds and that made it better by a hair. I think I went back to sleep an hour later and I just woke up at 9:20 or so this morning. I feel like shit but a hell of a lot better than yesterday. I'm on the sofa with the heating pad and I'm watching some movie on TMC. I have no idea what it is. I'll probably turn it off in a minute. Lucy just moved closer to me. She isn't sure what to do around me when I'm in pain like this so she keeps her distance until things seem okay and then she comes closer and tries to comfort me. She's such a sweetheart. I'm so fucking tired, everything hurts. I'm going back to bed. 
Y'all have a magical day.


  1. That sucks. I'm sorry. Healing wishes sent to you.

  2. Hopefully this will be the worst of 2020 for you, that you get it out of the way first thing and the rest of the year is much much better!

  3. I second the JR. luckily david was home to help you. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

  4. I hope tomorrow is a better day. May the flare subside soon.

  5. what a crappy way to start the year. hope you are feeling better soon.

  6. I'm so sorry. I woke with a pretty bad migraine today that had eased off but seems to be trying to kick back up now.
    Feel better soon.

  7. You are a brave person.
    the Ol'Buzzard
