
Monday, January 13, 2020


It's been a rough weekend not to mention last week was rough too. I would have a nice day and then two or three really bad days would drag me under. The weekend was the worst. I spent all of Saturday and part of Sunday in bed. I just couldn't move. I put on the TENS and was able to make dinner and wash and dry my blankets and change the sheets but that was it. I thought I could go to bed but I couldn't get comfortable. My body was rebelling so I stayed up for a couple of hours and then tried again. Nope, the bod said not tonight. I had just too many aches and pains to sleep. I even tried doping myself but it still didn't work so I stayed up reading for a while longer. I think I finally got just too tired because of the drugs and I fell asleep around 1am. There has to be a better way.
Right now I'm sitting in the living room debating if I should go lay down for a bit. Lucy is all for it. I just want some peace. Just a little diversion from this unending pain in my arms and legs. It's constant and there seems no letting up any time soon. I thought of watching Netflix for a while to take my mind off of it but I can't seem to concentrate. I need something to help. Sorry this is a nothing post. I'm sorry. I'll try to do better.
Y'all have a magical day


  1. do not apologize for things out of your control. well, I suppose writing on your blog is under your control but what's the point in pretending you aren't suffering? sorry to hear things have been so bad. would that I could make it better.

  2. I hope you get a break from your chronic pain soon, my dear.

  3. You have nothing to be sorry for - it's a terrible thing you deal with daily. Sending positive thoughts that you will feel better. Take care.

  4. I'm not sure where you live and if it's legal where you are, but I've been using CBD jellies for pain control. CBD only has no psychoactive effects so you can work, drive, etc when taking it: for me, it brings great pain relief and relaxation -- perhaps not total pain relief but it sure takes the edge off it. I even used it when I had shingles. And when I took it, there were no nasty side effects; I don't wake in the morning feeling groggy or 'hung over'. I hope you find some relief soon. Good luck!

  5. I am so sorry my friend for you and that horrid pain..wish I was there to at least hug you..will give the goddess something shiny for you.
