
Monday, March 2, 2020

It's Monday and I'm Back, So Yeah, There's That

I haven't had time to get around to everyone's blog to see what y'all have been up to so give me time and I'll get there. This morning I found this dashboard item about the coronavirus. It's really cool and interactive. If you want to check it out go to the address below.
Then scroll down to where it says, COLLABORATORS. Near the end of the paragraph, there is a link that says, interactive dashboard. Click on that and you'll go to the dashboard. It's really cool especially for us science types.
Lately, the bees have been swarming all over the rosemary that I have in the courtyard. The weather has been nice and it has bloomed big time with little blue flowers all over the place. Some of the bees are getting into the house and I have to chase them down with a dish towel and release them back outside. Lucy has been trying to catch them and I'm hoping she never succeeds.
The Friday "Music to Close Out the Week" has run it's coarse. There are no more videos. I haven't decided what to do with that space yet. I'll figure out something. 
Well, I really haven't been able to do much lately so I need to clean house and do a load of laundry. I'll break down the housework load so I don't end up hurting later. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. I love the "bitch barn". I need to make me a sign that hangs somewhere saying that.

    The bees were all over our blueberry shrubs yesterday. I love my bees. I fish them out of water buckets if I find them.

  2. Welcome back! That Betty White meme -- LOL!

  3. you haven't missed much from my place. I had to capture a couple of bees myself the other day.

  4. I love the Betty White meme lol. A pet dragon might be cool also. ; )

  5. Thanks for the link to the coronavirus dashboard!!! Very interesting indeed! And Betty meme - spot on!

  6. no bees up here; been too damn cold. I DO have crocus & snowdrops blooming in the yard.
