
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tuesday This and That

This past weekend David and I drew up an "In Case I Die" to-do sheet. It will come in handy if anything happens to one or both of us. This is something we have been thinking about for a while now. We decided to let his daughter know what our final wishes are going to be when we kick-off. The paper shows a step by step to-do list just in case the survivor, be it David or myself who can't think straight at the time of a spouse's death, will have this list to help them cope with what to do. It gives the family lawyer numbers, coroner number, the place where we want our funerals and that we want to be cremated which includes what to do with our ashes. We wrote everything down and put it in an envelope and then put it in a fire-safe box that we keep all our important papers. We also put the important personal, house, and vehicle papers and insurance in another envelope along with the regular wills we had drawn up last month, our living wills, and DNRs if we need to be in the hospital. It's a smart move that I learned when my dad died. David said when his mother died it was utter chaos. He had no clue what to do or where to go. We both agreed that this will help either one of us or his daughter when the time comes. 
This morning I saw a New York Times article about how the Coronavirus can spread and how to protect yourself. People just don't understand that a virus can last anywhere from 10 to 14 days on a surface before it dies. Read this article and you will most likely change your habits a little bit. One note in the article, they never mentioned that money is a possible transmission vector. A vector is an object that the virus can be residing on until it comes into contact with a new host. You can read more about the myths of coronavirus here and what the CDC says here
We have to keep Spunky locked up in the TV room because it's a safer place than the rest of the house. We have childproofed the room for his safety so he doesn't get tied up in lamp or TV wires or stuck behind a piece of furniture. Because he is blind, he tends to walk into the strangest predicaments. So we keep a child gate up at the entrance to the TV room for that reason. It keeps him in a safe place in the house.
Well, David was very forgetful this morning. Oh, he emptied the garbage and turned out the lights and turned off the TV before he left for the office this morning but he forgot one little thing. The child gate that we always have in place on the doorway was not there. He forgot to put it back up before leaving and Spunky got out.
I nearly had a heart attack when I walked into the kitchen this morning. I was drinking water that I carry around in my hospital mug, I have like five of those things from all the hospital stays in the past seven years. I had just taken my morning meds and I was drinking water and walking into the kitchen and screamed bloody blue murder. Spunky was walking around on the other side of the center island. I didn't expect to see him there. He's usually sleeping until 10 am and then I carry him outside so he can do his business. So, I carried him outside and came back in to check around in the kitchen for anything he might have left me as a present. Nope, nothing. I called David to bitch him out about this mishap and then went out to get the Spunkinator. I carried him to the TV room and put him on his bed where he curled up and went to sleep right away. The little guy is so sweet. Lucy, on the other hand, was pissed off. Spunky had eaten all of her breakfast that David had left for her in her dish. I made a scrambled egg with sausage for her and tea and toast for myself and then we both went outside to enjoy the morning. It was nice because it was cool but not muggy. We are expecting a heavy rainstorm tonight or tomorrow morning when the front comes through. I decided not to water the courtyard plants because of that reason. The rain barrels are nearly empty so the predicted rain will be very welcomed since we are still in a drought.  
The bees are still out in force. I had to catch one that got into the house when I took Spunky outside this morning. I always keep a dish towel on hand for that reason. So far, it seems I catch and release on average anywhere from four to five honey bees a day. They seem to come through the screen/glass kitchen door. They squeeze in through a small opening on the upper corner of the threshold where the door has just a slight opening. The only way to keep them out is to close the inner door but I love to let the sunlight into that part of the kitchen as much as possible. Usually, spring and fall are the only times I can leave the doors open to let in the fresh air and extra light.
Well, I have to go catch another bee that got in, then I have to throw a loaf of bread dough that is about ready to bake. So, Y'all have a magical day.


  1. You've had an eventful few days! Your "in case I die" info sheets and preparations are very, very wise. That Spunky! He's well named!

    I like that meme about Grandma's bracelet, LOL!

  2. cunt with wings - hee hee!

    you and david are smart to plan ahead. there is nothing morbid about planning ahead.

    and granny's bracelet - HOWL!

  3. yay for bees though I haven't seen too many around here. and we finally made wills a couple of years ago but that to do list sounds like a good idea.

  4. That is all good planning. Spunky is a cute little boy.

  5. the Norse people do a thing called death cleaning..getting rid of all that shit you really don't need or want and your kids sure as hell don't want you give it away or set the shit on fire..I've been doing it on a small scale..but plan on doing a lot more..

  6. Yeah I went to a lawyer in case I go belly up.
    The bee chart made me laugh, absolutely true, I was painting a shed door last fall and didn't realize I was near a nest of nasty cu... umm well that last one.

  7. Your "to-do" list is an excellent idea. The 3 weeks before and several months after Michael died were difficult and there were things that escaped me for longer than they should have. You - tripping over small dog; me - face planting because one of the Demon Duo tried to zoom under a foot as I take a step. Last time I made infused honey, I swear, the bees oozed through the glass to get inside!
