
Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday Stuff and Thangs

I've been staying away from people for the past few weeks now. Not going to movies, restaurants, grocery stores, meeting with neighbors, etc. David is doing what is necessary, all the shopping and going to work still here in our little sweet part of Texas. Since I'm immunocompromised he has made it his job to do almost everything like that. I'm trying to be careful but it's kinda hard when you have dogs and a husband that believes what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Speaking of which, Did you hear that scientists in Canada are ramping up their work on the COVID-19 vaccine? Yeah, hockey season has been canceled until further notice.
Over the weekend I finally died. Yeah, I haven't had any sleep since Wednesday night. Having a weather front tends to make me stay up at all hours. The pain is just too intense to sleep. So there's that reason. I finally canceled out. I think it was about 1am Sunday morning that I finally collapsed into bed. I didn't wake up until almost Sunday night to go to the bathroom and then back to bed. I was that tired. I think I woke up finally at 6 am this morning and cleaned house even though I was still in pain. But hey, when you have messy dogs that like to drag their toys and blankets all over the house and then a grown man who leaves plates and utensils all over the kitchen counters, it's a wonder we don't have roaches or rats living among us.
Well, that's it for me today. Y'all stay healthy and safe and have a magical day.


  1. This is such a stressful time for everyone. I've heard that sleep helps your immune system, so I plan on regular naps. Sounds like the social distancing could go on for months. I'm thankful we have a large backyard to hang out in this summer. Take care.

  2. Hope you feel better. You need to take care of you first and foremost.

  3. Ha ha, yes, no hockey leaves us Canucks with a lot of time on our hands . . . .

  4. They just put on on Administrative Leave until the 27th.

  5. The worst thing about this situation is - panic. I just don't get the whole hoarding thing. Here in little Wharton, shopping is a challenge with shelves empty at Walmart and HEB both. Weirdness! Weirdness going on out there!
