Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, August 17, 2020

I Think I'm Back

I might be back but I'm not sure yet. I keep having these little relapses that bug the shit out of me. Just when I think I can probably push through this flare to do something around the house, I have to cancel and go rest up a bit. At one time David thought I had COVID-19 and we went to the hospital to get tested. The ER doctor said my symptoms weren't indicative with CV-19 but we did get tested. The tes results came back a day later as negative for both of us. I told David that it was just lupus and he wouldn't listen to me. He got scared. He's fine now but very leary. This time lupus knocked me for a wallop but good. The aches and pains were bad. But hey, I pulled through and won the fight. 

David has been busy while I was stuck in bed. He received his Dell laptop that he ordered from when he was working before they let him go on a forced retirement. Every year he would order something from the company catalog for those who have 30+ years with the company and are still working. He has ordered quite a few nice things includIng a really nice rocker/recliner. Well, before he was told to retire, he ordered a Dell laptop. He got it in the mail last month and proceeded to upgrade it with a solid-state hard drive and more memory. He got it all last week and that laptop is fast as hell. He had a look at my laptop and ordered the same for mine. The goodies should be here by next week by UPS.

I finally got my new tiny camera in the mail too. I had to order another one since I dropped the old one and it shattered and popped the screen off of it. So I'm back to taking pictures again. I can even silence this one so you don't hear the flash or anything like beeping. Lucy shys away from beeping. I got a chance to try it out on Saturday when she came to ask me to take her outside.

It's a bit blurry but I did catch her. She does this to get my attention away from reading an online news paper.
She is a sweet little diversion.
Today it's a bit cooler than it's been that past few days. We've had temps in the 100's with the highest at 109. That's a first for around here. It would have been nice to have a pool to cool off in but A/C does fine. We are supposed to have thunderstorms until Wednesday but I'm not holding my breath. A minor cool front came through and I didn't know it because I'm still in pain so there was that too. I'm not going to be cooking today so David is doing that. I wonder what he's making. Probably pizza, who knows.
Well, I need to go lie down for a bit and let the pain meds work. Y'all have a magical day. 


The JR said...

Sweet little Lucy.

Glad he got his laptop. And, fixed it all up too. Good that he's going to speed yours up.

anne marie in philly said...

YAYZ for you! forced retirement sux; it's happening all over.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad you fought through! And what cute pics of Lucy!

Laura said...

I'm glad you were able to get here. I ran errands this morning and had to lay down when I got home as my headache had hit super-migraine level. It sucks having life run by pain doesn't it?

ps...hugs to Lucy!

River said...

I hope the pain eases off soon for you. How does one upgrade a laptop? Do you have to take it apart and fit the new drives?

ellen abbott said...

glad to hear you are feeling better. and I guess I can't complain about the heat. it's only been 98 and 99 here. but wasn't that wonderful yesterday morning to wake up to that overcast and cooler air.

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