Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Whoa!! Tuesday Already?

Remember whan I said the it wouldn't rain yesterday. Well it rained. Hard. Yeah. It did. 

Rain coming down.
For a whole fucking hour and thundered too. We got 2 1/2 inches out of the storm plus it filled one rain barrel and started to run off into the other through the runoff hose that connects them. I'm so glad that David bought them last week and I had to tell him to set them up because it might rain soon.
They are actually bigger than they look.
 I took this picture and cropped it down.
He laughed but finally put the spickets in them and the tubing for the runoff from one to the other. He said last night that he was glad that he listened to me and set them up. We would have lost that precious rain water. Hell, I'm glad he bought the new rain barrels because the old ones cracked from the cold weather this past winter. They were essentially just plain old plastic 30 gallon trash cans with lids. They cracked on the bottom when the rainwater expanded from the cold so now we have double the capacity for rain water at 60 gallons a barrel. 
Lucy hiding under a blanket during the storm.
Poor Lucy was so scared and everything we did to console her didn't work. I even wrapped her tightly in a small towel as if she were wearing the Thunder Shirt for dogs but it didn't work, she ended up hiding under one of the end tables. The thunder finally ended around 7:30pm but then we lost electricity so we went to bed early. Lucy was all for that. She had enough crazy for one day.
Our neighbor in back of our house lost some branches last night from the storm winds. They came down really close to our carport. That's scary enough that the owner who is renting the property (house) decided to cut some branches on that nasty tree. I hope he cuts it all down. That tree loses branches every time the wind blows close to 30 mph. It's a dangerous tree.
Well, I have some laundry to catch up on. David only washed one load while I was stuck in bed. Yeah, his stuff. So, I have towels and my clothes and bed linens to get to. I might do towels and bed linens today and my stuff tomorrow. It depends on how I feel.
So, y'all have a safe and magical day.


anne marie in philly said...

nice rain barrels! poor lil lucy. and I haven't done laundry in 2 weeks.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

rain? what's rain?

ellen abbott said...

I envy you the rain. I'm moving the sprinkler around. I need some rain barrels like that. I tried the 30 gal trash cans but mine cracked just from the weight of the water...I think. don't over do it girl!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lucy looks like she's taken vows to enter the convent life!

The JR said...

We've been having some showers. Wind hard a couple of times. Nothing real bad. Except the massive lightning one night.

yellowdoggranny said...

the rain was such a garden loved it..wish we had rain barrels here at apt. there are no eaves and water beats holes in ground when it rains..

poor lucy...that's exactly how I felt.

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