
Friday, August 5, 2022

I Have A Troll




  1. That old phone thing is so true.

  2. Hahahahahahaha, great graphic! I have a new one too who just showed up trying to comment on my last post. DELETE! Buh-bye!

  3. As fellow troll, can only say.

    Not all trolls alike. Some are real deal. ;-P

    So, better not be too cocky to not inflict a wrath of real underbridge dweller. :-)))

  4. Awwww. I struck nerve tissue. Too bad, so sad, it sucks to be you.

  5. I've had a few over the years.

  6. Leanna said...
    Awwww. I struck nerve tissue. Too bad, so sad, it sucks to be you.

    Not quite.
    Come to our Dark Side. Try it yourself. You'll like it... maybe.
    We have cookies. ;-P

  7. And champagne? Any self-respecting troll would have champagne. Not the cheap crap either. Then we'll discuss my terms. I have morals and values ya know. I don't turn to the dark side just because you want me to have cookies so you can keep track of me.

  8. I have a troll which is why I went to approval of all comments. he posts as Anonymous or One from Ukraine and has followed me to other blogs I read. If you engage him he will occupy miles of comment space and if you stop humouring him he will call you all sorts of names.
    I triggered him when I said I hated Zionists and the way Israel treats Palestinians. So now I am anti-Semitic.

  9. This is for my trolls, sorry, but I have been told by friends and family to not engage in conversation anymore. Although there is one who might be from Ukraine that I would like to talk more with but I'm going to have to cut y'all off.
