
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Wet Animal Wednesday


  1. "All comments must be approved by the blog author". Because like all liberals you are a coward

  2. To Anonymous - Look who's calling the kettle black. You haven't got the guts to put up your name or even a bio. Typical tiny penis troll.
    I have to scan the comments to keep out people who want to spam my blog.
    For your information, I used to be a republican voter until Don the Con came on the scene. I now vote for people that put country before profit. If that means voting democrat then I'm fucking proud of it, you worthless asshole.

  3. \\To Anonymous - Look who's calling the kettle black. You haven't got the guts to put up your name or even a bio. Typical tiny penis troll.

    Well, there is states around the world... where they can throw one in jail, because of his comment elsewhere.

    And de-anonymisation that is SO dear dream of Libs. Which makes em happy even if they must sleep in one bed with nastiest dictators out there for the sake of achieving it.

    Just try to deny it. Give me a pleasure. That Censurist is a second name of evry Demonrat.

    Smart Troll ;-P
