Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Semi Cold Front Came Through and Other Shit

Yeah. Around 4am this morning a strange little cold front came through our neck of the woods bringing a warm sun and chasing the wet dreary cold weather away. The temps for us here in south central Texas will be in the 60's to 70's during the day and 50's at night, well except for Wednesday morning. Yes, Wednesday morning will be the only morning during this whole week that will be close to 33 degrees. Yeah, mother nature is off her meds again. If you happen to see her, use extreme caution.
Yesterday I really didn't feel much like typing. My fingers were just not wanting to move much. So, I laid on the sofa with Lucy and watched The Walking Dead on the DVR. It was interesting but I'm starting to get to the point that I'm getting too bored with it. The good stuff is over with and now everyone is settling in and just having to fight with each other over whose word is law. They are getting into the Whisperers phase but that will end like Negan did. Like I said it's all predictable and boring. 
Lately, I've been binge watching Victorian period TV shows from PBS. What is it with watching this shit. After a while, I start speaking like the characters. I can be away from watching this stuff and as soon as I watch another British show I'm back to speaking like them. Even David notices. If he takes notice then it has gotten really bad. I need to get out more. 
David has been putting the CBD Relief cream on my back for me. I can get my shoulders and everything else but my arms aren't able to reach around to my back. It hurts too much to even try. So he lubes my lower back for me and I do the rest and I'm good to go. The CBD Relief cream works almost as fast as Aspercreme.  The CBD cream lasts longer and is a lot stronger when it comes to stopping the pain. I know that when David applies it on my back, I will be able to do more. It lasts for about 4 to 6 hours. That's pretty damned good. The cream was part of the CBD care package that we got so I could try everything out. I think I will try another cream before we settle on one. But for now, HempWorx looks like a winner brand. I have 2 more brands to try out and then I will make my choice. 


anne marie in philly said...

glad the CBD items are helping you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like that cream is the way to go!

Anonymous said...

I have friends in CO who swear by the cream. Nothing before worked. It is like they are evangelists for the stuff now. My grandson takes it for his back and my granddog has CBD oil added in his food.
I hope this continues to work for you!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

everything was icy here this morning and now it is pouring rain. glad that cream helps!

The JR said...

Glad that cream is working good for you
I think that is the same storm that rolled thru here

jono said...

Great testimonial for CBD. I might have to get some of that for the arsenal. Glad it works for you.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Kale... is like leathery spinach that a skunk went pee on... yuck!

Ol'Buzzard said...

There is a time when the series we watch needs to conclude. After a time even the new twist become old and predictable.
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so happy the cream is working well for you!

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