Halloween Countdown

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Saturday, February 23, 2019

This is just a documentation.

Friday evening, 2/22/2019. I had a really bad attack of Raynaud's in the fingertips of my hands. My toes followed but not as bad. It only lasted in my toes for a little bit because I was walking around at the time. I thought about that so I tried to bring my fingers back to normal by putting them under warm and then hot water. It didn't work. So I took a hot shower to get my blood warm and circulating. That didn't work. So I started to wring my hands and open and close my hands into clenched fists. That seemed to work although my fingers were still cold and deathly white. I finally got my fingers back to normal in color but they still hurt like hell. I also noticed my whole body started to feel cold. I just took my usual night time meds and went to sleep earlier than I usually do. I also wore wool sox on my hands and feet. It seemed to work. I'll have to remember that. Right now, there is some pain if I grab anything like my coffee mug and my fingers are slightly cold.  
Info on Raynaud's, when the fingers and/or toes get really ice cold and turn alarmingly white then blue then sometimes purple and then back to their normal color. It feels like if you are outside on an icy cold day and frostbite is setting in on your fingers. There is also a great deal of pain in the fingers and the pain travels up the arms or legs if toes are involved. Cold, icy tingling feeling. Lots of pain involved. When I had my first attack I thought it was brought on from smoking. I used to get this problem all the time when I was in my mid 30's. Noting I must have started my MCTD when I was in my mid 30's. Had many problems with Raynaud's in my hands, tiredness, joint pains, back pain, etc. most likely from Lupus. Was never diagnosed until 64 years of age.
Raynaud's is caused when the blood flow to the fingertips or toes is either cut off completely or is partially blocked by constricting (vasospasm) blood vessels. It hurts because they are very cold and almost nothing I can do will stop it from happening. It just know the cold is one trigger so far. I will have to be more aware of other triggers in the future. I do know what to do to get my digits back to normal now and what to do if I feel like an attack is coming on. Clinching the hands and toes seems to force better circulation. Then there is wearing of wool socks on my hands and feet during the cold weather. It will keep the cold air from triggering another attack. It's just the pain afterward that I hate the most. I can't seem to get rid of it. It travels right up my arms and legs and the pain stays in my hands.
Raynaud's is a syndrome in itself or it can be part of Lupus (MCTD). It can be caused by high blood pressure, Sclaraderma, arthritis, smoking, cold weather, stress, etc. Check here for info via Mayo Clinic.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've noticed one older gentleman at tai chi who sometimes wears fleece mittens. I've wondered if he has Raynaud's.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Damn, I never heard of Raynaud's - I feel so sorry for you as you seem you are in almost constant pain.
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

I have never heard of this before. Please take care!!

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