Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Just a Short Mess of Words

Well, the repair guy came to check the refrigerator on Tuesday and he said there was a small leak in the coils and it was leaking freon. He showed me that the coils in the freezer back panel should be covered in frost. It was only 1/3 covered in frost. the bottom part was frostless. it would cost us between $400 to $500 just to replace the freon coils. Maybe another $200 for labor and the freon replacement. Well, Fuckit. The fridge is close to 15 years old. We bought it at Sears in the spring of the year after we were married. It's a Kenmore and it lasted longer than we figured it would. So David went and bought another Kenmore at the Sears web site and it will be delivered here sometime around 3pm., we hope. This one is a freezer on the top and fridge on the bottom. Old school style the way I like it. More room. I hate side-by-side refrigerator-freezers. So dinky in the room area on the fridge side. The old fridge is still working but it's slowly dying. As long as we keep the doors closed and keep activity into it down, the thing will keep the butter, cheese, and milk cold. 
David is home today. He has 2 different doctors appointments and then hopefully we will get that text from Sears for the new fridge. He said he will pick it up on his way home if he is at the doctor's office. So not much going on right now. It's awkward for Lucy because she isn't used to David being home in the middle of the week. I'm guessing she thinks it's Saturday. The poor little puppy is so confused. She is sleeping next to me on the sofa while I'm blogging right now. I can hear her little snores from under the blanket. She sounds like a congested baby sleeping.
Well, I have some laundry to get to. It isn't gonna wash itself. Y'all have a magical day.


The JR said...

Probably better to do what y’all did

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hardly anything is ever worth fixing anymore. Enjoy your new fridge!

anne marie in philly said...

perhaps lucy will do the laundry?


Ol'Buzzard said...

I have always bought Kenmore appliances and they have served me well. I have always looked for the cheapest because the expensive ones have too many features that often fail early - the simple ones do the job and last well. Of course Sears is on the way out.
the Ol'Buzzard

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i thought sears was going out of business? who will service it?

Leanna said...

There are still some Sears stores that are open. We have a satellite store in our town that you can shop at for large appliances and pick up large appliances that you ordered. It's privately owned but it's known as a Sears store.

Leanna said...

Exactly. I don't like all the bells and whistles because they die out too fast so what would be the point. I have to keep reminding David to stick with the simple stuff.

Magic Love Crow said...

Sears is gone in Canada! Too bad! Good luck with your new fridge! Give Lucy a hug from me! Big Hugs!

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