Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, February 28, 2019

It's Thursday

David sent this email and I had to share it.

We had a cold front slide through this morning. I was heavily medicated because I knew it was going to hurt. I'm fine except it's raining and it will be doing so most of the day. I love the rain, hate the weeds. One more thing, February always gets a bit of a small ice storm every year. We haven't gotten it yet. BUT! We have the front that came through this morning will sling-shot through here on its way back through Texas and bring temperatures down into the 30's again. So. This weekend, February may likely go out with a freezing bang.
Anywho, the past few days since we had the fridge on the front porch, a dog, yes a big ol' black and white dog has been coming round the house, sleeping on our porch and acting like we own him. Well, yesterday, we finally got rid of the refrigerator from the front porch. I can tell Cousin Eddie he can go home now, we no longer need his services. David found someone that would come and get the fridge off our porch for free. He gave me the phone number to call and I was so happy they wanted it. They strip it down for parts and safely dispose of any freon. So, yeah, it's finally gone and I can stop hiding my face when I go outside for the mail. We are no longer hillbillies as far as I know.
I'm baking today. The dough is rising for bread and I took eggs and cream cheese out to come to room temperature earlier. The graham cracker base that I baked earlier this morning is cooled. So I'll be starting on making a second cheesecake from a recipe I put together as soon as I finish here. The first cheesecake I made turned out okay but it wasn't creamy enough and it tasted too much like a cake from the flour it called for. I'm eliminating the flour and sour cream. I want it to taste like a certain vanilla flavored cheesecake I used to buy from a deli that I used to get lunch. I bought a slice of New York styled cheesecake every Friday during my lunchtime when I worked during the 1980s. Having that slice of cheesecake was heaven and I'm trying to figure out the recipe. When I finally figure it out I'll post it for everyone to try. I found out making a cheesecake is not as hard as I thought it was. Also, the trick to keeping the cheesecake from cracking on the top is to bake it, turn the oven off and then cool it down in the oven with a wooden spoon stuck between the oven door and oven. When it is completely cooled then you have to put it in the refrigerator overnight to solidify completely in the pan. You take the springform pan off after the cheesecake is cooled by running a knife around the sides and then gently opening the springform pan to release the cheesecake. Another trick is to have all ingredients come to room temperature before you put it together so that the batter is so much creamier in texture. So, we will see how this recipe turns out.
Y'all have a magical day.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

hehe cousin eddie! my daughter just saw ina live on tuesday night.

The JR said...

Sounds delicious. My hubby likes to make cheesecakes

anne marie in philly said...

ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, I want cheesecake...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

OMG I love classic NY cheesecake! Especially with cherry filling on top. Glad to hear you are no longer hillbillies.

Ol'Buzzard said...

I love cheese cake. Really; a bread machine works just fine.
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

You are such a good cook! I was laughing about the hillbillies! LOL!

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