Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Follow-up From The Quick Note

Well. It's surgery for sure. My doctor won't know exactly what to do until he opens up the knee. Then it will be one of two, I guess I can say projects(?) that he will have to undertake.
The first project, he will only have to take out the plastic part that the femur sits on and replace it with a better piece that will keep the leg from bending forward or he will take out the whole old knee mechanism  and cut down part of the tibia and put in a hinge which will have to be operated on yet again later to reset or reposition it through time. 
Tomorrow morning I have to go in and preregister and get lab work and an EKG. Then I'm good to go for the rest of the week. I have a lot of cooking to do before next week so David has something good to eat. Then I have to clean extra good so that I hope the house will still be clean when I get home. I have to remind David to water my plants outside every other day so they don't die because I forgot to tell him to do that and I lost more than half of my courtyard and front yard plants. It really pissed me off. So this time I am moving everything into the courtyard and that way I can tell him to just water all the courtyard plants. He can't go wrong unless he forgets. Then I'll have a reason to kill him. 
Anywho, that's what has happened for today.


anne marie in philly said...

EGADS! you have to leave husbands notes about everything; their small brains cannot handle multi-tasks like WE can!

The JR said...

Please don't over do it getting ready for your surgery.

Birdie said...

You need to rent a wife!

Yarrow said...

Oh wow! Surgery!!! I hope it sorts it all out so that you can have a pain free kicking leg in case all your plants die, hehe :D

Pickleope said...

The only thing I can think to say, is that I'm wishing you the best of luck with the surgery. Also, know that while I write that, I have "Dem Bones" stuck in my head.

Magic Love Crow said...

Please take care of yourself!!!!! Big Hugs!

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