Halloween Countdown

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Monday, July 2, 2018

It's Monday - Goddess Give Me Strength Not to Kill Him Yet

I was going to take the whole week off from blogging because it's a holiday week for us but I changed my mind. David is on vacation. The plant is shut down for the week as usual during July 4th so yeah, vacation time for him. I have a few things for him to do that will keep him a bit busy and hopefully he won't be coming to me and asking me to come to look at this or that after he's finished working. I did do one of the listed things for him though. This morning I was outside at 5 a.m. pruning the climbing roses that are trying to take over the front porch. I found a few more hornet nests buried in the roses. It was a little dark outside so they didn't really bother me. They were really young ones. Also, I trimmed the knockout roses below the porch because they are going crazy all over the place. So now when David mows the lawn he won't get scratched so badly when he passes by them. We are hopefully going to get a little rain on the 4th so that will cool off the heat we are getting. 
I'm a bit busy doing laundry today. I should have done it Friday but I didn't much feel like it then. David is hemming and hawing about my "honey do" list and that means he's whining,"do I have to do it all now?" Here I am trying to hang stuff and fold towels and he's whining about yard work. Big baby. He can do some of it early in the morning before it gets hot just like I did this morning. It's not such a big deal. 
This is what I wake up to in the morning.
Yeah, it's Lucy. 
Lucy now has her very own pillow. I was going to take the stuffing out of one of the old bed pillows and use some of it for a sock monkey for Spunky but Lucy was napping on it so I guess she can have it. She drags that pillow everywhere she goes so Spunky won't get a chance to claim it. She's such a little shit ball. She was teasing him this morning while I was sorting the laundry. She heard me telling her I would spank her little butt if I catch her bothering him again and yet she defies me and teased him once more just for thrills. When I went into the TV room she was prancing around showing defiance that I would never spank her because she was too cute. I think I broke her heart when I picked up the magazine and popped her on the butt with it. She just sat there and looked so sad for the longest time, but as soon as I left the room she was back at teasing the poor old man. She's such a little sister. always teasing poor Spunky. Such a brat.
I have my sourdough starter brewing. Yeah, finally. David threw my last starter out thinking it was something nasty in the refrigerator. I told him to never throw out anything from the fridge. I will take care of that. The kitchen is my job. He was a little miffed but whatever. Anyways, I tried to make the starter in March but it was just too cold. So, yeah, I'm doing it now. I plan on making banana bread and my carrot cake bread tomorrow morning when it's cool in the kitchen. Baking in the morning is so much nicer than in the afternoon. Not because it's cooler in the morning, although that is on the plus side. It's because I get so damned tired after baking. The heat bothers me. I think it's the Lupus doing that. Not sure but I need to talk to my doctor when I see him in three weeks. I need to ask about what I need to stay away from and watch out for.


The JR said...

All I had to do was crinkle a piece of paper and my dog Country would sit, look at me and know she was going to get a smack if she kept it up.

I miss her so much.

I'll be off 1/2 the week. Let us know how the sour dough starter and what you bake turns out. That is something I've never tried and after using recipes off the net have found that tried and true work out a whole lot better.

I was reading a blog post from about a seafood place we are going to go to in Louisiana either Thursday or Friday evening. He had a review of the place there. I decided to look at some of the other restaurants and he had one for Seguin.

one of these days when we are not as house bound due to horses, dogs and cats....I'd like to do some traveling to Texas. The big flea market, dancing and of course eating!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

sourdough! that's what i should be doing! it seems i am always trying to make sourdough during winter and then i forget about it when it's this hot.

anne marie in philly said...

I love sourdough bread! but I always buy it from the "day old" rack in the grocery store. I DID make spouse a loaf of seeded rye bread yesterday (I own a bread machine, so no hot kitchen).

naughty lucy! but what an innocent face!

I did my 1 load of laundry yesterday; spouse and I only wear clothes outside the house. (wink wink)

it is so damn hot and humid up here!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That "doing laundry" meme -- LOL! That's how it felt yesterday when I did multiple loads of laundry!

Ol'Buzzard said...

I use a bread maker. Have been doing it for years. Too hot for the oven in the summer. Here in rural Maine most of us don't have air conditioning so the slow cooker and bread are maker are ideal; but use it through the winter also.
Give David a break. Give him at least one day to kick back with a beer and watch TV.
the Ol'Buzzard

Birdie said...

Your dog stories are always funny. Dogs have so much more going on than cats. Norbert has been sleeping in the same spot for the last 9 hours.

Good luck surviving David at Home.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

You love baking in the morning, what a coincidence, I love eating in the morning what other people bake!

Magic Love Crow said...

I haven't had sourdough bread in ages! I love it so much! Naughty Lucy! LOL! Your lucky you didn't get stung by the hornets! Big Hugs!

yellowdoggranny said...

I hate laundry ...I tell everyone I can't do it cause it's where dexter likes to sleep and I don't want to disturb him...

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