Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, July 5, 2018

It's Thursday Deal With It

I hate fireworks. Sure they're fun and all but I hate having to calm Lucy down all night long. I tried playing with her and holding her and you name it. She was shaking so bad last night that I think I vacuumed up enough puppy hair from the carpets this morning to make another dog. She's sleeping now right next to me as close as she can plant herself. Poor baby girl. No matter what I try she will never get used to the sound of thunder or firecrackers. 
We had a glorious thunderstorm blow through here last evening. It cooled us down so well that I opened the front door to let in the cool air. The temperature went from 93 down to 75 in less than 7 minutes. We only got 3/4 of an inch of rain but it was a nice rain. It lasted all evening and into the night for us. We are expecting rain on and off all the way up until Tuesday next week. David is waiting for the weekend I guess to finish the list even though I'm constantly hounding him. He says, "but what if it rains?" That is his excuse and he's sticking to it. 


anne marie in philly said...

MEN! it's still hot as hell up here; we get a thundershower that does NOTHING to drive the heat & humidity away. FML

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love it when a good thunderstorm dramatically lowers the hot temperatures!

Ol'Buzzard said...

I agree with the zen master.
the Ol'Buzzard

Birdie said...

Argh! Whenever I try to leave a comment on your blog I get halfway through then it gets eaten by blogger.

Anyway, I read a blog where the owner made a thunder and lightning jacket out of a wool work sock. You know the ones that sock monkeys are made from? She just cut off the toe and put it on her dog. You might need to sew two together but it does need to be snug. It helped a lot.

The JR said...

Poor Lucy. I hate it when they get so scared.

height increase insoles said...

Thanks for sharing, great article, keep it up.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love thunderstorms! Give Lucy a hug from me!!

yellowdoggranny said...

we've gotten scattered rain..not enough to help but did cool it down some..I think everyone in west hates fireworks..

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