Halloween Countdown

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Monday, July 16, 2018

It's Monday - UGH

Sorry, I'm late posting today but I had to go sign the insurance paperwork for my surgery. As I said it's going to be on the 6th of next month. I'm not too happy about it but it has to be done. It's only 3 days in the hospital so that's not too bad. David will be off the day I come home. He doesn't have to take off. I can fend for myself. I'll be getting around with a walker and besides, Lucy will be hired on as my nurse where she will spend most of the day sleeping next to me while I have my leg up and I'm reading. So there's that.
David did the grocery shopping on Saturday morning because I didn't feel good. I gave him the list and he's pretty good at sticking to it so I didn't worry. But when I finished cleaning the bathroom and I was putting my cleaning bucket away under the kitchen sink I noticed a large bag of wild rice on the kitchen counter. He often leaves stuff out that needs to go into pantry containers but this was ridiculous. On the counter was a huge bag of wild rice. I'm talking 20 fucking pounds of it. What the fuck am I going to do with 20 pounds of rice? I even asked him that and he came back with, "you had on the list a BIG bag, so I got a BIG bag." David always tries to piss me off and make it funny. So here I am grabbing all my large containers for the rice to be poured into. He did the pouring and laughed the whole time about it saying that this rice should last a couple of days.  We filled three large plastic containers to the very top. They are now in my pantry on the floor. I need to be more explicit when I make the grocery list next week. He's going to find out just how explicit I can be. I have plans for you David.


The JR said...

that's funny. be glad you didn't say big can of pork N beans....otherwise he would have brought home the cafeteria size (7 lb. can)

I do buy rice in the BIG Bags (guess they are 20 lb) from Sams. Same with popcorn. Then I put them in vacuum seal bags and put them in the pantry.

Lucy will be a sweet nurse.

hahaha, I can see it now on list - 1.47 oz. tube of ______, 3.2 oz. of ________
get him lady :)

Birdie said...

That’s a lot of rings! One time my daughter cooked 4 cups of dry rice.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That amount of wild rice would last me the rest of my life and I'd STILL half to leave half of it in my will to someone.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

plus...wild rice is wildly expensive!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Make a lot of gray - eat lot's of rice
the Ol'Buzzard

yellowdoggranny said...

ok..that made me laugh...way to go David

Magic Love Crow said...

You and David are cute! LOL!

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