Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St Patrick's Day and Other Shenanigans

It's St Patrick's Day y'all. Everyone drink and maybe it will kill the CV-19 in ya. Yeah, it could work like the Purell we use as hand sanitizer why not get a 12 pack of Corona and fight this thing from the inside out. If it works we might be onto something.
Texas had its first reported CV-19 death. A gentleman in his late 90's. He was a patient at the Matagorda Reginal Hospital in Matagorda county. There is also news of a second virus case in Matagorda county this morning. Texas has moved into lockdown of schools, bars, restaurants, etc in order to curtail the virus. Everyone is to shelter in place and avoid crowds.
Okay, on a lighter side, if you haven't heard of Dr. Anthony Fauci then y'all are living under a bunch of rocks. He's with the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. He's warning everyone and trying to help Americans stay healthy amid this Covid-19 virus thing and countering the wrong intel that Presidente Anus Tangerinus is passing along like a bad PSA. I'm trying not to mock him or anything disrespectful but does anyone else notice that when he gets upset or excited he sounds a lot like Mel Brooks?
Asking for a friend.
Well, I have to take the puppies out. Y'all stay safe and healthy and have a magical day.


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Happy St Patrick's day to you as well. Better to have a corona than Guinness, ewwww that is like drinking tobacco... yuck!

anne marie in philly said...

dr. fauci is a REAL doctor. orange shitstain is a FAKE wannabe! I don't pay any attention to the shitstain.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wishing you and everyone else the Luck of the Irish today and every day!

The JR said...

gonna get worse before it gets better.....

pam nash said...

You also - safe and virus free.

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