Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Thursday, March 26, 2020


We now have a total of 8 confirmed cases of CV-19 in Guadalupe county here in Texas. We haven't heard anything about them being in Seguin but they are in outlying areas of the county. The reason is most likely because uninformed people and that I-10 runs smack dab through the center of the county and we are right next to San Antonio. I don't know the ages, extent of their illness or if any of them are in the hospital or sheltering in place at home. Which is fine with me. David and I are being so very careful because we are both elderly and both have controlled high blood pressure, heart murmurs, he has asthma, I have immunosuppressed illnesses like RA, Lupus, and Raynaud's disease. So we are being so freaking careful. It is not a case of if we get it but when.
This morning I went out to pull some weeds in the front yard. One thing about spring is that weeds pop up like ... weeds. The front yard is overrun with them. In and around the roses, everywhere. I told David we should just throw wildflower seeds and let it go. The only patch of grass is along the street and side of the house. I just give up. I'll let David fight with it. I have my courtyard plants and trees to worry about. 
Well, today is the start of laundry day. I do a load or two depending on how my back feels. I might do two today and the last load tomorrow. I hate doing laundry over the weekend. I have my TENs on and so far I'm feeling good. Y'all keep safe and healthy and have a magical day.


The JR said...

I've done the same thing today. Pulled weeds and am doing laundry. About to take it easy and go work on my mosaic.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And please keep on being super careful! We don't want either of you to catch it.

anne marie in philly said...

my spouse can work from home; I cannot. my employer has 6 people total, so we are all taking turns being in the physical office 1 day/week. today was my day. man, did I ever get shit done! no co-workers talking to me, no phone calls. FABULOUS!

ellen abbott said...

4 confirmed cases in my county but not my town. take care!

pam nash said...

I have two neighbors with front yards full of non-grass stuff - one planted with salvia that blooms all spring and summer. The other a rather unkempt veggie garden which is attractive all year. Wildflowers would work too! Stay safe. Stay virus free!

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