Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday - This and That

I can't believe what is going on. Last night, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick of Texas went on Faux News and said that the elderly should give their lives for the economy. Check it out here. Okay, Danny boy, you go first and take the rest of your stupid conservative followers with you and us smarter liberal old people will see what happens. If it helps the economy that one less conservative dumbass lives then we will help y'all by passing your idiotology to those conservatives that didn't get the word. It may take a little time to get rid of the rest of your kind so don't wait up for us. One good thing about all this stupid conservative idiotology is that here in Texas, there will be fewer conservatives voting in November and in 2022 if they follow Dan Patrick's views.
Yesterday, I was running errands, paying bills and shopping for the neighborhood. We aren't on lockdown, yet but we will be soon. Over the weekend, my neighbor and I got together to see what everyone needed and pooled and passed out the necessary items to everyone in need. Since David and I are one of the few elderly in the neighborhood, we get to flash our Driver's license and go into the stores to shop for the good stuff first. That means we can get TP, bottled water, meat, milk, bread, etc. Whatever we need. We have been taking these items and pooling them with my neighbor's items and filling boxes with food and needed items like TP and the like and leaving the boxes on the front porches of people with kids and homebound elderly or immunosuppressed that can't get out to do their own shopping. 
It's a good system. They just make a list of stuff on the HEB app that we can access and give us the money and we go get the stuff. Whatever we can't get, others donate to help. Everyone is helping each other on our street as best we can. The reason we are doing this by ourselves instead of getting HEB to do it is that it takes a week and a half to get your order if you order through HEB and they deliver. Yes, we are practicing safety by distancing ourselves by at least 6 to 10 feet, wearing gloves and homemade masks, etc. but we are just trying to help each other when some people can't get what they need to survive. We have also exchanged phone numbers in order to do wellness checks and to let each other know we need help. It's working quite well. This morning I called around to see if anyone needed anything. So far nothing is needed. Everyone is fine. 


anne marie in philly said...

I just returned from a trip to my local market. 2 single rolls of TP per transaction, a few paper towels, fresh meat case stocked but 2 packages per transaction. bread aisle stocked but 4 bread items per transaction. I was able to get everything on my list. pet food aisle well stocked. frozen food was being replenished by 6 different people. produce aisle was well stocked.

I wore gloves but no mask. some people had both. there were tape markings on the floor telling you where to stand. some bitch tried to get too close and I barked at her "6 FEET BACK PLEASE!" she got huffy and moved her cart to another checkout lane. fuck her!

darwin is at work killing off all the GOPricks. YAYZ! your lt. gov is a fucking joke.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i saw that idiot dan patrick on the news. i mean really? can people get any worse?

Iesadora said...

If only the rest of the country would ban together like you guys.

The JR said...

That's amazing y'all. Sweet and good hearted of both of you.

We live in the country and the people next to us are a family of kin folk. We barely know the folks on the other side of us.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like you've got a great system set up to assist those who need it!

Bohemian said...

May Dan Patrick and all his Supporters follow his advice, the less of his Tribe the better since you can't fix stupid. Thanks for the Dog and Cat Meme, we're Cat Owners and I swear Miss Priss has been giving me that Cat Look lately!

pam nash said...

I wrote a "madder than hell" post about the lt gov idiot. But sanity took over and it sits in my pending file. Idiot isn't strong enough nor is stupid. Nice that you have such options as HEB offers y'all. Not happening here in Wharton, not even the neighbors helping neighbors. Sad, sad place is Wharton, TX.

Vivian Swift said...

I loved your plan for setting free those who want to die for the sake of millionaire's dividends. I can't wait to hear what Rev. Graham and his like will preach to their packed churches on Sunday, because isn't the point of life to prop up capitalism?

I want to link to your post when I blog on Friday. Do you mind?

Leanna said...

Vivian, I would love it. Thank you!

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