Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, March 9, 2020

It's Monday Dammit

Hey, y'all. I'm moving slowly this morning. I just got back from having blood drawn for labs. I had to get David to take time off to drive me there and back. I see my family doctor on Thursday. Not looking forward to it. I'm hoping I'll feel better by then. 
Today is overcast and it's drizzling. I would be happy about that but I am feeling like another Lupus tirade is coming. I'm showing all the signs that I go through before Lupus hits me up for a few days. Overwhelming tired feeling, minor body aches, having trouble thinking and seeing. I just want to go back to bed right now but I'm going to fight it and finish this.
Thank the Goddess I have Grammarly otherwise this would all look like a foreign language to y'all. My brain isn't cooperating today. It keeps saying that the bed would make me feel so much better. I'm really fighting it hard. Lucy isn't cooperating either. She keeps trying to stop me from blogging by sitting on the keyboard and getting in my face so I can't see. So, I let her outside for a little while. I just noticed there are no birds singing out there. It's dead quiet. strange. I always hear birds singing even in a drizzle. It's like 67 degrees out there but it feels like 75 with the humidity. It's quite nice sitting on the front porch. We are having spring break so all the kids are off from school. But you wouldn't know it with it being quiet.
Lupus aches and pains are winning. I'm going to take my heating pads and go lie down for a while. Y'all have a magical day. 


ellen abbott said...

if you feel an attack coming on and your brain/body is telling you to go back to bed...listen!

The JR said...

I just walked to the car and the wind is blowing like it came from Antarctica. It's overcast.

Hope you feel better after resting.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Fight on, Leanna, fight on!

Anne in the kitchen said...

Monday's suck! Monday's after the time change are a whole other level of suckdom!

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