Halloween Countdown

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Monday, April 15, 2019

It's Monday

I saw this on Octoberfarm on Sunday. If you've never been there you should add this blog to your "blogs that I just gotta check out" list. Anywho, I had seen the above meme a few times and I always wanted to grab it for my folder but I was always doing something that prevented me from saving it. Well, I grabbed it and sent it to my brother on Sunday morning and he sent me this back.
for a second I thought it was going to be a bunch of drunk Scottish golfers trying to lop each others heads off with a putter yelling "there kin only be one "
Yeah, that's my brother. His mind runs on overload just like mine. I was expecting him to call me and tell me something like that above but he emailed me instead. Made me laugh because I know how his mind works. 
I stayed up last night and watched the first episode for the 8th and final season of Game of Thrones. If you haven't seen it yet and you set your DVR to tape it for you then I'll refrain from telling what happened. But it was interesting. I'm guessing the first two episodes will be just catch-ups and with family and friends. I'm wondering what the spiral sign has to do with the White Walkers though. But I'll leave it at that.
I felt like shit yesterday but I willed my body to get things done. I finished three loads of laundry and vacuuming. Today I want so much to do a little more but my body is in rebellion. I did get to water my three potted lemon trees, pineapples that survived the winter, and my roses before the sun came up. It's was quite nippy out but it felt nice. Winter is still trying to keep its hold. I've been leaving my little variegated ficus out on the porch table because it does much better out in the partial sun than in the house. I think if I ever repotted the poor thing it wouldn't know what to do with itself. It's thriving when it should be dying. I have it in a tiny pot and I feed it once a year. I've noticed that the pot is root bound and I may have to cut the pot off of the roots when I find a new pot for it.
Well, I have to try to get something done around here. Y'all have a magical day.


The JR said...

They took HBO off of dish. I need to check into ordering HBO now.

ellen abbott said...

not having HBO we have to wait until it's released to the masses. and I destroy a lot of pats that way. usually I've set in on the ground in a place that I think it might like and then forget about it and the damn thing plants itself through the hole in the bottom resulting in breaking or cutting up pots and cursing. and yeah, the fuckening.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm so far behind on Game of Thrones! But I'll catch up someday!

pam nash said...

Careful when you set your container plants out - best if they are on cement or stepping stones because they can put out little roots that turn into huge roots. That's how my catalpa tree got planted in the middle of a flowerbed rather than anywhere else I might have rather put it!

Magic Love Crow said...

I didn't see the GOT on sunday night! I can't wait to!!!

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