Halloween Countdown

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019


The cardiologist's office called me this morning and moved up my appointment by one hour. I don't mind. I really haven't had any palpitations since my major episode. I'm thinking it was most likely an anxiety attack. I really just want to cancel but David won't let me. I have been quite depressed for a couple of months now. I wish I could shake it but it has its claws deep into me. SO, if I'm a bit snippy with you in comments on your blogs or whatever, please know this is not the real me. I'm currently fighting a war and will rejoin the real world as soon as I kill this fucking dragon.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope your spirits lift again soon. You deserve to be happy!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

awwww....i hope you feel better soon. depression are so debilitating.

Anonymous said...

That dragon might be tough but you are far tougher. The dragon doesn't stand a chance!

Wishing all the best for you. Good for David not letting you cancel. You need to avail yourself of every medical asset available to you, if only to be told all is well. The reassurance is invaluable.

Sending warm and healing white light to surround you.


The JR said...

Believe me I know how bad a dragon my hubby can be when he feels bad. He can't take it and acts badly because he's usually never sick or hurt.

sending well wishes

pam nash said...

Sometimes killing the dragon is hard. Maybe put it in an iron box, locked and chained closed then put the box in the deepest hole your mind can find.

Magic Love Crow said...

Take it easy with yourself! We love you! Big Hugs!

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