Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

OY! Yesterday!

Yesterday I had so much energy. It was like I was running on overload. I finished the laundry and cleaned house and I can't believe I did it all in one day. I never got to make the cheesecake though. Today, I'm going to pay for it in full. I'm already having trouble getting around. I completed my morning exercises to keep myself limber and active but today I just couldn't complete the 30-minute walking circuit that I have programmed into our treadmill. It moves up on an incline according to the hills that I have set in the program. But today I just couldn't stay on for the last 20 minutes. It was just too much for me. I'm on the heating pad this morning nursing sciatica in both hips. So I will be out of sorts until hopefully tomorrow. The saying goes for every one great day 2 bad days will be needed to recover. It sucks but at least I got things done and I'm happy about that. Fuck the pain.
Yesterday, Game of Thrones began their reruns on HBO. One season per day. I'm noticing that I had missed several episodes near the end of season one. 3 to be exact. I didn't see how Drogo was injured and died. Or how Jamie was captured and a few other things about the Wall episodes. I was working back then on nightshift at the lab and I missed quite a bit even in previous reruns. So, this week I will be watching the whole thing from noon to almost 10pm in order to catch up. I'm also noticing there are little bits of information that will lead into the final 8th season which starts this coming Sunday night. Season 2 starts today at noon and there are quite a few things I didn't see that I will most likely catch. It's pretty interesting because I'm paying attention to subtle clues pertaining to the White Walkers and the Night King. Interesting shit.
Well, I have to take the puppies outside and let them play for a while. Y'all have a magical day.


The JR said...

I'll reorder HBO to watch it. HBO took their programming off of Dish. We haven't missed it but will need to watch season 8

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm sure lots of people are binge-watching seasons 1-7 in preparation for the big final season!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

being sick sucks! i've been on the sofa for 2 days and it's killing me! i can't sit still so this is agony but i have to get rid of this cold once and for all! i haven't watched any GOT but was just sitting here thinking maybe i'll give it a shot.

ellen abbott said...

yoga was a real effort last night, which is not usually the case, but I felt good this morning. good enough to get out there and finally connect two of the flower beds. now I'm wasted.

we both had read the books and had never seen the TV shows until last year. between my sister and the libraries in the general vicinity we binge watched all 7 seasons. we don't get HBO so will have to wait til season 8 is out on video.

Ol'Buzzard said...

I am happy it is the end of Game of Thrones and sad it is the end.
the Ol'Buzzard

yellowdoggranny said...

hmm...I'm glad I have my broken firestick ..can watch them all the time or anytime..I need to watch the entire last season cause I can't remember shit..

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy dance Game of Thrones!!

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