Halloween Countdown

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

OMG! It's Tuesday

Yesterday, I received a butt load of comments from five trolls about my hate for religion for which I post anti-religious memes on Sunday. This was brought on just because I blogged about an iconic architectural loss involving the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to a terrible fire. Yeah, stupid asses don't read clearly. I made no comment on a religious icon being lost. I was making a comment on the total loss of the beautiful stained glass rose windows and the wooden structure inside the church. I made no comment that Catholics are weeping. Please! You dumb asses must have been Trump voters, you're obviously just like your president, you don't read. Illiterate buffoons.
This morning for some reason I'm stiff as hell. I exercise every day to stay limber but today my back hurts and my legs hurt too and I'm tired as shit. It's very hard to bend over to pick anything up from the floor. My whole body hurts. I must be starting another flare. Shit, that's all I need to have happen now when I have a stress test at the cardiologist office tomorrow. I'm still having episodes of heart flutters. I can't wait until all this is over but in reality, it's just beginning. Concerning my lupus, I've found a  test lab that can differentiate between fibromyalgia and Lupus also other autoimmune diseases. They use their Avise test. It might be expensive but we will see. At least they cover everything. We are willing to do this over again just to be sure. I'm also looking for a new rheumatologist. The drive all the way to San Marcos is too much for me. I need someone nearby. I need to think of my comfort because I'm not getting younger and this is getting worse.
I'm done. Y'all have a magical day.


pam nash said...

You're right - annoying that people can't/don't read. We don't have to share beliefs to mourn the loss of beauty. Deep breath - feel better soon.

anne marie in philly said...

WTeverlovinF? I ain't religious either, but notre dame is an architecturally wonderful structure and a symbol of paris. trolls need to FOAD NOW!

The JR said...

I hate you feel bad.
Good luck with your tests.

ellen abbott said...

yeah, fuck those toady trolls. religion is evil. it is a shame about all the art lost and an 800 year old architectural marvel built by hand. could that even be done today? of course, it took 200 years.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's promising medical news! I just read on another blog that the 3 rose windows have been saved! I sure hope that's true. They are irreplaceable works of art.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

there are a lot of 'trump supporters' out there. you have to be as dumb as him to support him. he is the hero of the stupid.

Magic Love Crow said...

Why do trolls have to come around?? Please take care of you! Big Hugs!

Ol'Buzzard said...

You have to be a cult follower to buy into the fantasy of religion. It makes no sense. If it comforts them - fine; but they shouldn't splash your ignorance in the faces of those that won't drink the Cool Aid.
the Ol'Buzzard

Leanna said...

Wait, what? WHAT?

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