Halloween Countdown

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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Quick Note

I just got back from the cardiologist appointment. My EKG was uneventful just like I figured it would be. The fluttering was caused by stress. BUT, I have to have a stress test next week then an echocardiogram the next day after and then I have to wear a heart monitor for 2 weeks. She said all this has to be done to check for any possible trouble because of the Lupus. It has a nasty disposition of causing fluid on the heart so we are just being careful. Otherwise, I'm okay.
David found out I'm going to have to wear the heart monitor for 2 weeks so now he wants to make sure it fucks up by making me mad. I'm sure he will figure out some way to piss me off so my heart goes crazy. He's like that. He loves to tease me 24/7.
Lucy went crazy when we got home. She kept dancing and turning around like she hadn't seen us in days. I'm suspecting Spunky told her we were leaving them to go live with cats or something. She's been following me around since we got home. Right now she's sleeping on the sofa next to me. Little turd ball loves her mommy.
Well, I have a few things to do so y'all have a magical day.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

everyone should be as happy to see us as our pets. no one is.

The JR said...

Good that the EKG was normal. You tell David that's just plain mean.
lol....making you mad so your heart rate will go up. Sounds like he's a devil.

anne marie in philly said...

my spouse gets those tests once or twice a year. gotta keep the pump pumpin'.

yellowdoggranny said...

wonderful news...keep it up.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So far, so good!

pam nash said...

Sounds like you're getting all the cardio tests done at once. Be sure to wear comfy clothes and your tennie-pumps for the stress test - it's all up hill! But my greatest sympathy is for the 2-week heart monitor. It's hard to go anywhere looking like an alien is crawling out of your chest. Still, hopefully all will give the DR the needed info and it will all be good. Positive thoughts from big W!

ellen abbott said...

I've had three EKGs and they only caught the heart flutters on the last one and that was only because I was having an episode there in the office and the EKG room was right across the hall. the stress test is a pain in the butt, didn't care for having radioactive shit injected in my veins not to mention that the tech took three tries to get the IV in and jabbed the shit out of me causing a huge bruise. having just had to wear the monitor for only 24 hours, was bad enough. I can't imagine having to wear it for two weeks! no showers for one thing.

Magic Love Crow said...

I hate stress! Make sure to breathe and take it easy!

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