Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday - Finally

I'm having trouble getting around this morning. I feel like a 100 years old with the brain of an 18-year-old. So much shit that I want to accomplish but I can't because my body says, "fuck you bitch! It ain't happening today." This was all brought about by the cleaning I did on Wednesday. I tore the living room apart and literally "cleaned house." I usually get David to help me do this but I had the cleaning bug up my ass and he was nowhere near. I took the drapes down and threw them in the washer and then ironed them later after they were dried and put them back up. I also washed the windows and the blinds and cleaned the ceiling fan. Then I vacuumed and shampooed the area rugs. The place is cleaned within an inch of its life but it's cleaned. Then on Thursday I tore the TV room and the dining room apart and did the same thing. The house is clean the way I like it. No more cobwebs or dust bunnies or anything. I'm so happy even though I'm paying for it now. I really don't care if I hurt right now.
I made it to the sofa and Lucy is giving me the I told you so, mommy look. I have my heating pads and pain meds and I'm comfortable. Later on, I have an appointment with the NP for my pain doctor. I need to up the amount on the dosage from 5.0 to 7.5. I'm taking three of my pain pills at a time. It's not a good thing. 
Well, Lucy was up with me all night in the living room and she's looking at me like she wants me to go into the bedroom and get some sleep. I might blog later if I feel like I can sit for a while.
All y'all have a magical day. 


The JR said...

I love a clean house, but it is so hard keeping it that way with work, away and at home. Also, a hay field. And, all the other yard, animal and horse chores we have.

ellen abbott said...

I haven't cleaned my house like that in so long I can't remember. I just look at it all and tell myself it's helping me develop a strong immune system.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have a good nap and I hope your pain eases soon.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I have been in a cleaning frenzy lately too, and my left knee is screaming at me because of it! Solidarity!

Liz Hinds said...

Good grief! No wonder you ache. Crazy person. get better soon.

pam nash said...

Whoa! That's some major cleaning. Taking a nap sounds like a good thing. You know, I think if I stand outside facing your direction, I can hear - squeak, squeak, squeak - a squeaky clean house!

Rain said...

You definitely had a major cleaning bug! I don't think I've washed a window in years...hope you got some good sleep!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Animals are wonderful comfort. take care
the Ol'Buzzard

anne marie in philly said...

nurse lucy knows all! listen to her!

yellowdoggranny said...

I was going to clean house this weekend..then I said fuck's just me..and I don't care..I don't want to clean up the last of all Dexter's fur.

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