Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Thursday, October 3, 2019

I'm Not Really Here

Sometime on Monday morning next week, there will be a cold front (BWAAAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAAAHAHAHAAAA! snort!) coming through Texas. Yes, they are calling it a cold front. The temps will only move into the 80's during the day and 60's at night. BWAAHAHAHAAAHAHAAHAHAAAA! Oh shit, I pee'd myself. Really, to tell you the truth I wonder why weathermen try to be funny. Really. 
But because of the "cold front" coming our way, I've been feeling its approach. My back felt like it was on fire yesterday and I haven't had a decent night's sleep in three nights now. I even doped myself with sleeping pills and pain meds and still nada. I've been in a nasty, testy mood because of the pain.
David is completely understanding of it all too. There are four more nights to go and I may need an intervention soon. What the fuck?!? Why can't my nasty sister be the one to suffer from this? It's not fair. Not fair at all. I try to be a good Witch these days and only hexing Drumpf once in a while like last week and look at what I got him for my birthday, an impeachment inquiry. Maybe I'm just not evil enough. Maybe I need to try harder.

Anywho, on to other shit. I need to muster up some strength and go clean the kitchen and clean out the refrigerator. David has been putting uncovered food items in the fridge and that is just plain nasty. He also knocked over a can of Mountain Dew (antifreeze) and the whole bottom of the fridge is bright green and fuzzy. Just nasty, David. Really, I should make him do this as punishment. 
I give up. I'm not really here. All Y'all have a magical day


ellen abbott said...

I have really got to stop paying such close attention to the shit show. I'm not getting anything accomplished. course it could be the heat as I was out there with the long handled nippers for about 45 minutes cutting down trash trees on the perimeter of our property and then picking up the native pecans that fell last night and sweat was running down my face in no time and the whole front of my tank top is wet from wiping it. so much for fall.

The JR said...

yes, he needs to clean it up.........

Sorry, you are hurting. Me too. New orthodics in my new shoes have my back out of whack.

Out tomorrow, hope you get some rest soon.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yes, uncovered food items in the fridge is a big no-no with me too. Not with My Rare One though. Sheesh!

I didn't understand the "spoonies" meme. Guess I don't know what "spoonies" is slang for.

pam nash said...

Yes, a cold front - I laughed out loud at that - upper 80's to maybe upper 60's. Cold - riiight. Hope you feel better very soon.
Since I don't get any news stations and can pick and choose my news reading on the computer, I am not as bombarded by mr t's stupidity. Better for my general mental well being.

CraveCute said...

Our weather in MN has been just as crazy. I think the change in weather makes my joints hurt too. Husbands have a problem with refrigerators, they never clean them nor can they ever locate anything in them.

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