Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Friday, October 4, 2019

I'm a Spoonie

Yesterday, Debra said in comments, "I didn't understand the "spoonies" meme. Guess I don't know what "spoonies" is slang for."
Let me explain. When I first started having trouble with body pain, fatigue, and everything I go through every day and night struggling with Lupus and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease which is a chronic illness. I became a spoonie. A spoonie is one who suffers from a chronic or disabling illness and pain that depletes the spoonies' energy levels.
Spoon Theory first came about when Christine Miserandino wrote an essay in 2003 titled The Spoon Theory . The essay is a conversation between Miserandino and her best friend during dinner. It tells about her day dealing with Lupus and how she used spoons as an idea or metaphor of what it's like for her from the time she wakes up in the morning, goes through her day until she has no spoons left to function.
In order to give her friend a more accurate scenario, she gave her friend twelve spoons and began taking spoons back for each function, (ie. getting out of bed can cost you spoons, getting dressed can cost you, taking a shower to wash your hair, brushing your hair, making breakfast, walking up or downstairs, etc. For each function, it will cost you a certain amount of spoons. Some days you have extra spoons and some days by the time you are dressed and brushed your hair your spoons are gone. That is Spoon Theory. Reading the essay gives you a whole different outlook on your health and how it can change your lifestyle when things go bad. I urge you to please read the essay here.


Rain said...

The Spoon Theory is very interesting. I think that my spoons are all gone by the time I get up from bed these days.

Leanna, I hate the dentist too. When I went to the first one (the quack who didn't diagnose my infection), he gave me a printout of 2-effing-thousand dollars worth of "necessary" work. Give me a break. It's a racket. But the pain I'm going through now...I hesitate to say I can't wait to get to the dentist on Monday. Even though the new dentist is very gentle and very nice, I'm still scared to have anyone touch my teeth.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Interesting visual to explain the day. Thank you!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ohhhhhhh, now it's clear. Thanks, Leanna! You've educated me today.

Laura said...

I'm a spoonie, too. Mine comes from chronic severe headaches and migraines.


peppylady (Dora) said...

A great explamation of being healthy vs illness. Thanks for links. I might even do a blog on it
Coffee is on

Haddock said...

That has got me. No I have to read the essay.

The JR said...

I've never heard of this before.

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