Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday - Cold Front

The "cold front" came through my little slice of Texas at around 4:30 this morning. I was so pleased because it really has cooled down. There is a nice cool breeze blowing and it's nice to hear the wind chimes make their music again. I was able to go outside and sit on the front porch and read for a while. One big problem though, I couldn't get up out of the Adirondack chair out there. My back started giving me all kinds of pain when I tried to get up. Fortunately, I had my cane with me and I could raise myself from the chair with a lot of grunting and crying. I now know I can't sit in my favorite chair anymore. It sucks. But then life sucks too.  
Because of the cold front approaching, my weekend was shot to hell. I wanted to finish the laundry and do some baking but I wasn't about to attempt it. I spent much of that time in bed with the heating pad and Lucy. Every time I was moving to get up she would run and get David. David said that Lucy makes the strangest little whine when she needed him to come with her. It was like she was saying, "dad". She has done that with me too. But she doesn't say, dad. I sware she is hoping for the Blue Fairy to turn her into a real human girl one of these days. 
Damn it's so pretty outside. I want to go out and do things but it's not good that I do that. Lupus and sunshine don't do well with each other. *sigh*
Well, I'll just sit on the sofa and look out the front door. All y'all have a magical day.


The JR said...

It's cloudy and drizzling rain here. Was hot as blue blazes this weekend.
Take care,

Anne in the kitchen said...

I love Adirondack chairs but on a bad knee day find them hard to maneuver. Getting older sucks sometimes.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Maybe it was the weather I was sore and ache all day. Not fun.
Coffee is on

Rain said...

Hi Leanna :) That's cute about Lucy. Our pets are so attuned to us! I'm glad your cold front finally arrives, but that really sucks about the chair!! So sorry for your pain and the loss of your favourite chair.

ellen abbott said...

it is really nice out there today. won't last of course but another front is supposed to be moving in in a few days. my doors are open for now.

pam nash said...

The front got to us last night. Yesterday wasn't bad but this morning and until the middle of the afternoon, it has been really, really nice. Of course, it's going back to the 90's tomorrow - ugh.

Magic Love Crow said...

Take it easy girl! Big Hugs!

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