Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, October 28, 2019

It's Monday

It's really quiet this morning at Casa de Loco. Lucy was still in bed and refused to get up. So I got up, put my TENs unit on and got dressed then went to the kitchen to make coffee. I grabbed a piece of toast and coffee and looked in on her and she was still in bed. So I went to the living room turned on my laptop and opened the front door to let fresh air into the house and all of a sudden there was banging going on in the hallway. Lucy obviously heard me open the front door and came crashing out of the bedroom dragging her blanket. I sware she could be my child getting up in the morning dragging her blanket half wrapped around her body. That's if I had a child. But I only have a little cute dog wannabe a human by the name of Lucy who takes close notes on how to do human-like things. Either that or she's an alien sent here from her planet to learn first hand what we are like. Poor baby girl, so strange, so misguided by me, soooooo spoiled rotten.
I finally got my TENs unit on Friday. It came with four 9-volt batteries. Yes, I am still thinking of getting a rechargeable 9-volt battery. Also, a big bag of electrode pads. David kept telling me I should read the distructions so I know how to hook it up and put it on. Really? Really, David? Me? I had a TENs unit for years and years since 1986 and you are questioning me? Oh, Puuleese! 
Shit. I hooked it up by plugging the electrodes into the leads then pealed the protective covers off the electrode sticky pads. Applied one electrode to one side of my lower back and then did the same with the other electrode on the same lead but put that on my leg after I traced the pain line from my back with my fingers to find the best place to put the pad on the outer thigh where the sciatica is the worst on the same side of the body, then did the same with the other lead and pads on the other side of my back. Then I plugged the two leads into the TENs unit and set it for one 30 minute timer of use and slowly turned up the juice until I could feel a light tapping on the surface of my skin on all four pads. Then I adjusted the frequency to just above 10Hz and the pulse rate to 180. My pain level immediately dropped. then I clipped it to my bra and walked away into the kitchen to make dinner, leaving David babbling to himself. He later came into the kitchen with the instructions and said okay, so you know how to do it. That was his way of saying I'm sorry I doubted you.
Anywho, the TENs is working fine for me. I have more than enough pads to carry me through until my next supply box comes. I am taking only one pill in the morning until I can hook myself up otherwise, I'm not able to get out of bed without the help of my cane yet. I can't wear this thing in the shower, of course, or to bed. So it's the same routine every morning and night. I'll just have to get used to it again like I did so many years ago when I had my old TENs back in the 1980s and 90s. By the way, to let y'all know that it's working, I was able to stand and make dinner Saturday and Sunday evenings without having to go sit and rest on the heating pad every 10 to 15 minutes. Just the idea of standing for 30 to 45 minutes when I couldn't do that before is a major plus for the TENs unit. Also to sit at the dining room table to eat is a MAJOR MAJOR plus for me. Before I had to sit on the sofa with my pillows and heating pad. I also loved the fact David and I can take our evening walks now without me starting to hurt at the end of our street. So, yeah, I'm better off with it now. I still can't stand beyond one hour but hey, it's working for me better than drugs.


The JR said...

WooHoo! A victory. Glad it's improving your pain and helping you get on with your life.

ellen abbott said...

well, yay! men. they think because they don't know how to do something that a mere woman doesn't know how to do it either.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So glad the TENS unit is having such a marvelous effect on your pain levels! Good news indeed!

anne marie in philly said...

maybe I should get a TENS for my hips...

Rain said...

That is GREAT news Leanna! Any improvement for the pain is worth it! I hope you continue to be more active now that the TENS is working its magic for you!! How long do you use it? Is this a life-long thing now? Or is it meant to help you just in the short term, making the positive effects long-term?

nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

Keep posting the 'funnies' in between your text. It really does us all good to laugh a bit.
Glad you are getting relief.

pam nash said...

Great!! Always nice when things work the way they should and you hope.

yellowdoggranny said...

wonderful happy for you

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